"No problem"

"Alright good bye you two"

I grab Nicks hand and we head to his car we get in and he kisses me. I smiles into the kiss. We pull away and we head to school.

We walk into school holding hands with everyone staring. It's kind of creepy. We get to my locker and Abby is there and she sees our hands

"Ummm when did this happen?" She ask

"Yesterday" me and nick say at the same time

"Alright just no PDA"

"No promises" Nick says and I hit his chest

I get all my books out of my locker.

"We should get to class" I say to Nick

"Yes we should"

He puts his hands in my waist and kisses me hard.

I pull away and take his hand and run to class with him.

•skip to the class she had with the Haley whore girl•

I get to class with the "school slut" and I take my seat and after the teacher is done taking she starts talking to me

"So you and Nick?"

"Uh ya"

"Girl you got yourself into a mess"

"Um why"

"He's a player and I'm pretty sure he's using you"

"Why would he be using me"

"Last year before you came he had this girl and they really liked each other then she broke up with him for an unknown reason he's been trying to find a way to get her back so he might be using for that or just for sex or something"

"Um ok then"

She stops taking and we do our work

•skip to after school cuz school is boring•

When we get to Nick house he go up into his room and he shuts the door and sits in his bed and kicks if his shoes and motions me to do the same so I do.

I sit on the bed next to him and he puts his arm around me

"So do you what to watch Netflixs or something"


He gets out his laptop and put on netflixs and put of 'The SpongeBob movie'

"Good movie choice"

"You don't like horror and this is actually a great movie"

I laugh. And smiles and leans into me and places his lips on mine. His hands are in my waist and my arms are wrapped around his neck.

Our lips move in sync. He moves so that I'm sitting in his lap with my legs on either side of his waist. His hands move to my butt and he squeezes it. The he puts his hands on my thighs and flips us over so he's in top.

I pull away because I'm out of breath. I look into his eyes.

"Why'd you pull away"

"I didn't want to die"

He laughs. And we sit back up and u curl into his side and we watch the movie.

When the movie is over we look at each other and I say

"I'm hungry"

"Let's get some food" I get off the bed and the I feel my feet leave the ground and I squealed.

Nick is carrying me bridal style I wrap my arms around his neck as he Carries me to his kitchen.

He sets me on the counter. And stands between my legs. I wrap me legs around his waist and put my hands on his shoulders.

"What do you want"

"What do you have"

He unwraps my legs from his waist and goes to the frigid/freezer

"We have ice cream"


He pulls out the carton and the two spoons the he comes over to me and he puts his back to me

"Hop on"

I jump on to his back and he gives me a piggyback ride to his room. He drops me on his bed the sits down himself

We basically kiss and cuddle till I have to go home.

*Jace's POV*

I saw on Instagram that Madi got and boyfriend. I don't know why but I feel jealous. I know I shouldn't but I do. But I see who it is and he honestly looks like a fuck boy.

I just hope Madi doesn't get hurt. I text Madi about her boyfriend


Jace👌🏻: hey so I see you got a boyfriend 😏

Madi🌸: lol ya

Jace👌🏻: well if he hurts tell him I'm s superhero and I'll kick his ass

Madi🌸: superhero sidekick* and you Matt and my dad

Jace👌🏻: well I'm going to bed got to film in the morning. Night!

Madi🌸: night!

•end of texts•

I came to an conclusion.

I like Madi.... A lot
Ok this is my longest chapter so far and Haley tolled Madi that Nick is just using him and he don't act like it...... So far.. And JACE DOES LIKE MADI HOLTY SHITT!!! And I'm just going to try and update every Monday

Lizzy xx

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