"But that isn't your job, is it, Doctor Martin?"

"Well, not really, but I would assume that's why this glass of water is here; you know, to make sure your organs are all working properly, so your stomach doesn't capsize unexpectedly or something. I guess they were in a bit of a rush so they didn't have time to do a full physical on you."

"Yes, they were. Would you like me to drink the water, Doctor Martin?"

"Yes, please."

Eve took the glass of water and drank it quickly.

"It tastes cold...I like the way it makes me feel."

"Any strange feelings, or pain?"


"Good, all up to snuff, so it seems. Now, I would like to ask you some questions, and--"

"Actually, I have some questions."

This really peaked Martin's curiosity. Not part of his job, usually, but there never were any questions for him before. This Mark 2 was something else.

"I'm usually the one who asks questions, but if you feel that would help you, sure, ask away."

Eve paused to think.

"What am I, Doctor Martin?"

"Well, you're a synth, a machine designed to be human, to do human things. You're a new breed...er, mark, though, so you're more human."

"What does it mean to be human?"

"That's a big question..."

"What does it mean, Dr. Martin?"

"Well, I would think to be alive. To feel things. To...have a soul."

"Am I human, then?"

"No. You are a machine."

"But, I feel things. I see things, and I have all of these things going on in my head...maybe I have a soul. Am I not alive?"

Martin felt a bit disturbed for a moment. These were strange questions indeed, ones that he did not have proper answers to.

"Are you alive, Doctor?"

"Why yes. I eat, and sleep, and breathe--"

"But are you really alive? Are you happy?" She looked down at her hands. "I...think I'm happy. I never had anything to be happy about, but I am certainly not unsatisfied. I think life, or whatever I have, is a wonderful gift. Do you think so? Or do you take what you have for granted?"

"I, uh..."

"When was the last time you told your wife or children you loved them?"

"I'm not married. I'm only 25, I graduated from MIT 9 months ago. I never had the time."

Eve grabbed hold of Martin's hand, limply lying on the table.

"Then make time. Go seize the day, Doctor."

Martin was deeply moved by this encounter. What on Earth had they created? He felt sort of like Doctor Frankenstein.

"Okay, Eve."

He moved for the door.

"And to answer your question, you are alive. You aren't technically human, but you are certainly alive."

Eve smiled at Martin as he left. Outside Room 101, Montag was waiting.

"Alright, Montag. That was something. These Mark 2s, they have potential."

Montag shook its head.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, but orders from Director Cox just come in. He watched the meeting on the security monitor, and he says he would like Eve to be recalled and scrapped."

Martin became absolutely livid.

"No, no, no, this can't happen!" He yelled. "Now you listen to me, Montag, you go and convince the Director that that is the wrong choice. You are dealing with something very special in there."

"Special, Doctor? Surely you can't be serious. It is just a machine like me, one too smart for its own good. We have to destroy it."

"No, no, listen! This new model is brilliant. They think and feel, they're almost self-aware! More human than human itself!"

"Precisely why we have to destroy it."

"No! There's too much potential...maybe you can convince him to let me run a few more tests. A social experiment, perhaps?"

Montag paused. Then its systems made a blip and his eyes flickered.

"I have sent a request to Director Cox. It is pending approval."

"Well, get on with it, then. I don't have all day!" Martin ordered.

"Yes sir...ah, joyous day! He has given the okay."

"Wonderful. Have her put on cryo-stasis until further notice and I'll get to work on the first tests."

"What tests, sir?"

"Some...social tests. Send an ad out in the classifieds, I need volunteers."

"Will do, sir."

Montag lumbered off, and Doctor Will Martin headed for his office. The time for his grand experiment was nigh. Today, he would kickstart the technological singularity.

This was the day that he would start down the path towards synonimity between human and synth. This was the day his personal crusade began. For he was Doctor Will Martin, android psychologist, and he wanted nothing more than to see a world where they would be loved. He just hoped it was not too late.

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