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The bell rings and Kayla slams her locker door shut. She runs to the second floor and into her history classroom. Everyone stares. She's late. Like she always is.
"Please have a seat Ms. Pyle." The teacher gestures to the last open seat in the back of the classroom. It was right next to the most annoying, popular boy in the whole class. Kayla rolls her eyes and sits down.
"Hey there." He says.
Kayla looks at him with a disgusted face and then back at her book.
"You don't have to be so rude." He tells her.
"I do to you." Kayla says.
"What did I ever do to you?" He asks.
"You know exactly what you did bryon." Kayla answers
Bryon looks confused.
"You embarrassed me in front of most of the school when you dumped that spaghetti on my head at lunch." She reminds him. She continues.
"I shouldve kicked your *** right then and there but I couldn't afford to get another detention. So you got lucky."
"That was an accident." Bryon says.
"We both know that was no accident." Kayla says.
"Yeah well. It was a long time ago, stop holding a grudge." He says.
"I'll get you back one of these days bryon. You just wait." Kayla says.
"Why do I hear talking g in the back Kayla and Bryon?" The teacher asks.
"Cause you have ears." Kayla answers. Mouths drop around the classroom.
"She was threating me Ms. Howard." Bryon says. Kayla turns her head quickly and gives Bryon a dirty look. He smirks cause he knows he just got her into more trouble.
Ms. Howard sighs.
"Ms. Pyle please go to the principal." She says.
"Yeah yeah. I know what to do." Kayla gets up and leaves the classroom.
She walks through the empty halls running her fingers along the locker door s as she goes. She skids down the railing on the stairs to the first floor and walks into the principals office.
The principal looks up from his computer and moves his glasses down on his nose.
"Ah Ms. Pyle. What a pleasant surprise." He smiles sarcasticly.
"Sit." He pushes his glasses back up and looks back at his laptop.
Several minutes later....
"I hope you've learned your lesson Ms.Pyle." The principal says.
"Yeah. Yeah." She gets up to walk out.
"Hold on a second. How bout you hand over that phone." He says.
"What? But-" The bell rings.
"Grrrr." She lays the phone in his desk and races out to her last class.
"She'll never learn." Principal Johnston puts the phone in his top desk drawer on a PYLE of others. He shakes his head and gets back to work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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