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Gabby's POV

-A/n The girl in the picture doesn't play Gabby! I just want you to imagine her as Gabby by the way she looks, if that makes any sense. I don't know just go with it!

I was 10. 10 years old when Cameron went "missing". I'm 17 now. That was 7 years ago. Cameron would be 18 if he's still alive. His birthday is in September. It's October 11th today. My birthday is November 17th so I'll be turning 18 soon. The police haven't done anything to find him. They still are all caught up in the idea that he ran away. I'm not going to lie that I thought that to for a while. Not a day goes by when I don't think about him. He was my best friend for crying out loud.

Right now I've been holding up good but his family isn't doing so well. Gina is drinking a lot to the point where her and Mr. Dallas got a divorce. She's in rehab right now. She was forced to move out and find somewhere to live. Mr. Dallas kicked her out 2 years after Cameron went missing.

Mr. Dallas thinks that Cameron missing was his fault because him and Gina got in a argument the same day and Cameron yelled at them and ran out the house. So he's stuck grieving. He's really depressed. He's a workaholic.

Serria well she's moved out at the age of 17 because her boyfriend Brent got her pregnant and Mr. Dallas disowned her and kicked her out as well to make her live on her own. I remember that day because Mr. Dallas yelled these words out and I quote "You want to go out and act like a adult then you can go out and act like an adult, but not in my house!" I've seen her at the dinner a couple blocks down from my house. Every time I go I give her a big tip. I only go for the chocolate cake. Cameron and me when we were younger we would go down there and share the cake. He would be done first and a couple times I will catch him sneaking a couple bites from mine.

As for me, yeah I'm sad he's gone but I haven't been taking the news as bad as his family.

I actually have a boyfriend. His name is Jack Gilinsky. He's a the captain of the football team. We've been together for 1 year and 6 months. He's the best. I actually started playing soccer and doing softball. I've always played but I just stopped when Cameron left. We would always play together. Every time I play I think of him. Cameron would always practice with me. I'm the number one player on our team. Thanks to Cameron. I'm the caption of the soccer team. I play the piano occasionally. Cameron use to sit and hear me play. I still have a piano in the house but I haven't used that old thing in years. I can't it brings back to many memories. My mom thinks I still take my piano lessens but I've been stopped going around 2 years ago.

Today is a Tuesday. Ugh a school day. I got up and brushed my teeth and took a shower. I curled my hair. It's fall season so I put on a grey sweater and dark skinny jeans with a tan knitted scarf. I put on a little make up but not a lot. I didn't want to look like a character from The Walking Dead. I put on the knitted tan socks that went a little bit under my knees. I put on my grey uggs. Grabbed my backpack, phone, and car keys and I was down stairs.

I went in the kitchen and saw my mom making coffee. Her morning routine she does every morning. It's either coffee or the news paper.

"Good morning mom." I said grabbing an apple off the counter.

"Good morning honey."

"Well I got to go to school but I'll see you when I get home!" I yelled as I made my way to my car.

Before I made it to the lawn I looked across the street and their was a light dimmed down in the grumpy old mans upper bedroom. He's not even home so how could that be? He been gone for about a month on a retirement trip. He is suppose to come back in a couple days I think. All the lights were off before he left. He may have came back from it but I doubt it. His car isn't there either. What the hell. Whatever I'm on my way to school.

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