Chapter 27: Festival of Falling >Part I<

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"You don't know? Seriously?" I questioned. He has got be kidding, even if the never told him, I'm practically a carbon copy of dad, there is no way he still doesn't know?

"No!" He pouted. "Nobody had ever told me! Every Time I asked they always told me 'when you older.' Or 'Later Naruto, Later.' And I'm sick of it. I want to know!" He ranted and looked me in the eye.

I sighed. Why wouldn't they tell him? There really isn't a reason... Oh wait. Dad is the Yellow Flash, Mom had the Kyuubi. You know what... Maybe they did have a reason. But if he were to find out by himself, maybe, just maybe...  "Look Naruto, I think that you go figure that out for yourself." I continued despite his loud outburst. "It shouldn't be that hard. I'll give you a hint... Me and dad could be twins now that I'm older. When you can tell me 'Who' are parents are, I'll tell you who they were really." I explained, then stood up despite his protests.

"Come on Ryo! Why can't you just tell me! I have been waiting for 12 year to learn this information!-"

"I told you, I'll tell you later bro. Now let's continue training. The festival is still 6 hours away!" I smiled and started walking.

Despite the deflated look on his face, and the small death glares he gave me the rest of the day, we continued training until 5:30 pm that night.


Emilio's POV~ 4:45 pm...
"-and checkmate." Shikamaru stated tiredly. He stiffened a yawn when he saw the look on my face. He sighed. "Hey, don't hate the player... Hate the game."

I growled. "It's so much simpler to hate the player... And besides, I do like this game you cheating dumbass." I shot back.

"I didn't cheat, you just can't get this game. Besides only my own father has ever beaten me." He countered.

"Allowed me to be the first..."

~ 5 minutes later~

"How the hell did you already win! I knew it you are cheating!" I yelled out.

He smirked. "You strategy was so obvious that a child  could figure it out."

We sat in a tense silence after that while we set up another match. This was practically our whole day in a nutshell. I challenged him, he beat me, I yelled, and repeat. It was a never ending cycle of challenges and loses. I sighed in defeat, after game number 67 came to a close.

"Blah... I think you killed my brain Shikamaru..." I moaned and sprawled myself across my side of the floor. I messaged my temples, trying to calmed the thudding i felt within.

"It not my fault you suck at this game..." He replied and leaned against his bed. ~"though I have to admit you improving slighting..."~

The second part I didn't quite catch. His voice was lost in the outside noise and the distance between us.

"Did you say something?" I asked. He glanced at me and shook his head.

"Nothing important."

We sat in a half awkward, half peaceful silence. Both of us just drifting in and it of the dream world and ours. The slice stayed until a slight knock echoed throughout the room. We both glanced up just in time to see Shikamaru's sad walk in.

"Hm, so your still at it.." He commented on our half finished game. I heard Shikamaru sigh, and mutter a quick 'this is such a drag' before going to pick up the pieces of our half finished game. I groaned and sat up as well. Quickly picking up the numerous Shogi pieces, we both now sat in a silent empty room.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall and nearly chocked when I saw the time. 5:45.

"Damm..." I muttered. "We dozed off for half and hour? The festival is only 15 minutes away now..."

Ryo: Naruto's Older Brother | BOOK IOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz