The First Day

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Rise and shine my favourite upper east siders. Hope you're all going to have an amazing 1st day, I know I will. With Blair and her popular groupies going into their senior year and with all the new freshmen starting I wonder if there'll be any trouble in paradise; hopefully so! Let me know how your day as been so far or any juicy stories you already have.

You know you love me.

Xoxo Gossip Girl


"Arabella wake up!" My twin brother Theodore shook me. I rubbed my eyes and lifted my head from the train window. I turned my head to see my loving brother smiling down next to me. "Good sleep?" he asked laughing, I gave a sheepish smile and nodded my head. "Mom rang me before you woke up, all our things are at the palace hotel" Theo explained. "The palace?" "Yes, that's where mom is living and where soon we will call home." "Great" I sighed sarcastically. My brother and I have had a rough couple of months; since my mother and father got a divorce it's been out of control. My dad found out mom had been sleeping with the tennis coach at the gym she went to. The news came as no surprise to me, I had suspicions ages ago. Mom obviously left for Manhattan (where she's orignally from) but me and my brother was told to stay at home with dad in California. My father is a very busy man, he's the owner of Fitzgerald Inc, but with work, the divorce and everything else that has been going on he just didn't have time for us! My mother on the other hand is the editor in chief of Cosmpolition magazine and has her own makeup brand 'Glow.' I haven't seen my mom since she left in May, it's now September and I'm ready to start a new chapter in my life.

Last year it was Serena but now its two newbies who have been seen arriving at Grand Central and they look very classy too and they're just in time for school! But who are these young teens? Are they simple nobodies who have a taste in fashion or are they the new rulers of the upper east side?

"Room number 210 the elite suite" the man behind the desk told Theo. "The elevators are straight down that corridor, as you are in the elite suite you need to click floor 210"  he added. "Thank you" my brother thanked him and I gave him a smile in return. I bent down and picked up my carry on. I took a quick glance around the lobby as I began to walk to the elevator. I took in all of the exquisite detail of the fancy chandeliers and golden walls but my eyes were drawn to the bar, where I spotted a handsome young man staring right at me. He had gorgeous brown hair with eyes to match. His face was defined with a jawline that could kill.  He was dressed in a light yellow shirt with his top button done up with a stripped maroon and copper tie, he wore beige coloured pants and a blazer with a logo on accompanied by a scarf with red, navy, yellow and brown squares which hung across his neck. The way in which he presented himself was as if he owned the place. His eyes locked with mine and we held the gaze as I continued to walk. It felt like it was just the two of us on this whole entire planet. Our looks were broken as I went into the elevator but the image of the gorgeous boy still remained in my head.

"Arabella! Theodore!" my mother shouted as we entered the suite. "MOM!" we both screamed and ran to hug her. "Oh I've missed you kids so much" she laughed hugging us both tightly. "I'm so sorry" she whispered kissing the tops of our heads. We made a little conversation but then Theo asked about school. He is such a geek he gets the best grades, clearly he got the brains and I have the beauty. "Well Theodore you will be attending St Jude's School for boys and Arabella you will be attending Constance Billiard School for girls. The two high schools are joint so you'll always be in the same place just different classes" Mother explained. "Actually you'll be going into school today just a bit late" mom added looking at her Gucci watch. "What?! We only just got here" I whined. "Arabella your father and I have agreed that we want you to start school as soon as possible." I didn't want to argue so I just smiled and nodded. "I know how long you take to get ready so I suggest you start now, the limo will be picking you up just after 11 o'clock in time for 3rd period" Mother told me. "Ah! You know me all too well mother" "Your uniform is laid out on your bed for you. Hurry along now" Mother smiled and I got up from the couch along with Theo but mother stopped him. "Theo I would like to speak to you alone" she said and looked at me with big eyes hitting for me to leave. I smiled and left the main room and headed up stairs.

"Oh yes I forgot to tell you, whilst I've been here I met up with a couple old friends and made some new ones" Mother informed us as we sat in the limo. "Mom don't you think it's a bit early to start dating" Theo said to mother. "Theodore don't be so stupid! I'm not dating just yet. What I was going to tell you was that Eleanor Waldorf has a daughter who is in the same year and classes as you Ara, so when I told Eleanor about you arriving she said that Blair will take you under her wing.I've also met the owner of the building and his fiancé along with their children." "Wait their children? How did you meet them?" I asked confused. "Well Bart Bass, the owner of the hotel and his soon to be wife Lily invited me to dinner in their suite here and I met the 3 lovely children whilst I was there. Serena and Eric are Lily's children and...Oh! What is his name? I can't remember it'll come back to me sooner or later. Anyway Bart's son is a gentleman too" Mother said. After learning about Mother's new circle of friends we arrived at the school. "See you later have a fun rest of the day!" Mother smiled before me and Theo jumped out. "You ready?" Theo asked as we examined the building in front of us. "I guess so"

"Right Mr Theodore if you would follow Mr Archibald and Miss Arabella if you could follow Miss Ravenswood"  Mr. Prescott (the head teacher of St Jude's) told us. "See you later Theo" I smiled at my brother and the other boy. "Hi I'm Candace" the girl introduced herself as I followed her. "Arabella" I grinned holding out my hand for her to shake it. Candace and I made short conversation as we walked to history. I learnt that her mother owns a big business company and is originally from England. She opened the door to the class room and everyone looked and stared at me. "Mr McFell this is Arabella Fitzgerald she's new here" Candace informed the teacher and took her seat leaving me to stand awkwardly at the back of the class room. "Oh how lovely! Well welcome Miss Fitzgerald you can take a seat in between Blair and Serena" he explained pointing to an empty desk in the middle of a blonde and brunette. I made my way to the 4th row and sat down and Mr McFell continued. I felt a short tap on my left side so I turned and saw the blonde smile at me. "Hi I'm Serena" she whispered holding out her hand. "Arabella, our mothers have met I believe" I replied shaking it. "Miss Fitzgerald and Miss Van de Woodsen when I am speaking you are not" the teacher said sternly. "Sorry" we both said in unison and smiled at each other trying to hold in our giggles. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Come in" Mr McFell said and in popped a young girl. "Sorry to disturb you Mr McFell but Headmistress Queller would like to speak to you in her office." "Oh I'm very sorry class I shall be right back" he quickly said exiting the room. "Considering Serena has already introduced herself so shall I" The brunette chipped in. "I'm Miss Blair Waldorf" she smiled and held out her hand. "Oh so your Blair! I'm Arabella." "I've been told to take you under my wing if this is correct?" "My mother did mention something like that this morning" I explained to her. "Well here's one thing you need to know little Miss Candace over there isn't somebody you should talk to. She may seem nice but she's trouble" Blair warned me. "Any trouble with her you come to us, we'll be here" Serena told me. I smiled at the two girls, they seem great but something tells me they aren't always this nice.

"It was a fabulous trip!"Blair gushed about her week away this summer to Paris with her mother. "Oh there's Nate" Serena pointed out in the courtyard. "Ooo and who's his friend" Blair smirked raising her eyebrows. "That would be my brother" I laughed and walked over to Theodore. I poked his side and he turned around "Hey" I smiled. "Oh hey!" he grinned realising it was me. "Arabella this is Nathaniel Archibald, Nate this is my sister, Arabella Fitzgerald" Theo introduced me to Nate and we shook hands. "Theodore this is Serena" I explained gesturing to Serena who was behind me. "And this is" "Blair, Blair Waldorf. It's a pleasure to meet you" Blair interrupted me sticking out her hand. "The pleasure is all mine" Theo flirted kissing her hand. I rolled my eyes at my brother's cheesy pick up line but my eyes were instantly drawn to something more interesting walking my way, it was the boy from the lobby. "Ugh why does he have to be here" Blair groaned. "Why hello beautiful" the boy greeted me. "Hi, Arabella Fitzgerald" "What a gorgeous name for a gorgeous girl, Chuck Bass."

From an undercover source I can reveal that the two newbies are something worth talking about! Arabella and Theodore Fitzgerald children of the recently divorced couple; Jasper Antony Edward Fitzgerald (successful business man and owner of Fitzgerald Inc.) and Erica Rose Fitzgerald (editor in chief of cosmopolitan magazine and owner of beauty line 'glow') According to the information I have received Arabella is the youngest of the twins but still has some sort of fire about her. The two have moved from the golden state to the big apple to be with their mother and have been seen chatting to the Kings and Queens of St Jude's and Constance. Maybe there will be two new rulers we'll have to look up to and worship or does Queen B have a plan up her sleeve? You know what they say keep your friends close and you enemies closer...
xoxo Gossip Girl

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