Chapter 19: The Not So Mr.Understanding

Start from the beginning

"Yeah I guess!" I gave him one last hug.

"With all the boyfriends you have, you won't even notice I'm gone!" I glared at him, punching his shoulder for good measure. Leave it to Cameron to say the stupidest things for parting words.

"I hate you!" I called after him.

"I love you too!" He called back over his shoulder, and then he was gone.

The walk back was heart breaking. I laughed at our parting conversation. I don't remember when I started crying but I had. Cameron was the only close family I had, and with him leaving it made me realize just that.

When my dad pulled up in front of our house it felt foreign to me. Like it wasn't my home. I think all that time with Cameron really made me think of everything I left behind in London. I know in the desperation of running from all the memories of Jarred I left behind a lot of things that really mattered. I sighed. My dad was going to go visit his Fiancé before work so he dropped me off at the house. When I walked in the house it was unwellcomingly quiet. I laid down on the couch and tried to get my mind off of Cameron and London.

I looked at checked my phone and had four texts from Trish. They all had the same mad face in them and nothing else. Prom was in two weeks and I think I finally convinced Aiden that I wasn't going. All he keeps saying is we'll see, but I know now that I made it clear already. Trish is friend mad at me for not going to prom, but really she had to know I wasn't going to go. I had only told her like a billion times. She's just trying to guilt me into saying yes. My phone rang all of a sudden.

"Hello!" I answered before looking at the caller I.D.

"Maddy?" I heard a familiar voice.

"Zac! Hey, how are you?" I suddenly got a happy bubbling feeling inside. Zac always made me feel that way.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? It's killed me these past few days, wondering if you were okay." He admitted.

"All you had to do was call. I wouldn't want you to die" I laughed, he joined in.

"I know, but I was trying my best to give you some space so you could rest and get better." He laughed.

"Well I'm happy you called. I do feel better physically, emotionally, I'm drained. We just dropped Cameron off at the airport." I sighed. Saying it out loud just made it more real.

"Yeah he told me he was leaving today, I'm sorry. Back in London it took everything I had not to be jealous of how close you two were." He tried to console me.

"Really? Wait when did you talk to Cameron?" I blurted out.

"We found each other at the airport today. That's what I was calling to tell you. I'm on my way to Australia as we speak." He said sadly.

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