The time I almost died again

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Like the last chapter this was when i was reading on wattpad The pain started as a little discomfort. then A stabbing that's when i knew it was happening i fell to my knees my brother Julio noticed i told him what was happening; he asked,"do you want me to wake up mom and dad (it was late at night parents asleep), or do i call 911" i responded "no none of those can save me... come bow down and pray cause only God can save me"

While i was praying I felt satin Trying to rip out my heart I heard him say I will kill you and you will come with me.... but at the last moment on my last breathe I felt Gods spirit and he said I have chosen you and you will NOT Die until you are done with all i planned for you....

And the pain was gone but not God's Spirit I repented cause i knew I was living a double life and the song i put with this song says a lot of how i feel towards God but I turned my life to God And i dont live for me or my desires
I live for Gods will Without him i am NOTHING
Thank you for reading this but all of this is a true story a true testimony from me Juan Carlos Plaza-Larin or as most know me on here as StevenUniverseCat
God bless you all Plz send any Prayer request to me

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