The Evil Within

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"Regina!!!!!!!!!!", Piper screams. She is running towards the lake that she had just watch engulf her friend. The rest of the group follow hot on her tail to see what happened. The group all came up to the water's edge and stood there. They were scanning every inch of the lake that they could see.

They hear as a stream of water shoots out of the lake. Regina land on the other side of the lake. The group runs to her aid. When they finally reach her she is on her feet, "Hi friends", she says with an evil grin on her face, "You ready for your worst nightmare because she is back." With that Regina sends a fireball hurtling for Piper and the group. They all duck out of the way and see Regina disappearing in a cloud of purple smoke. But as she did they also heard the laugh of the Evil Queen. "What happened in that lake", Xena said. "I don't know but it can't be good", Olivia finished. "This is not good at all", Piper said with a terrified look on her face.


Chapter 1

Piper Halliwell was getting ready to head out to work as the owner of Marquee Sydney. Marquee Sydney is the popular nightclub of the Sydney area. Driving in her car she heads downtown to set up the club for the busy Saturday night that is going to bear down on her soon. While in the car she gets a call from her friend Olivia Benson. Answering the phone, "Hey girl, what's going on. I haven't heard from you in a while", "Nothing really just busy with work. I was calling to see if you wanted to do lunch while I am still in town", "Yea I would like that. How about the Spice Room", "Sounds like a plan. I will see you there at 1pm on Tuesday", "Alright, Tuesday works for me. See ya soon buddy", Piper finishes as she hangs up the phone.

Piper needs to stop at the store before she headed to Marquee Sydney. She was standing in the makeup aisle looking for the type of cover up she uses when she hears her name. "Piper", she turns to see who called her name. "I am just bumping into old friends today", she thought to herself. "Regina", she said walking toward her friend. When they reach one another they embrace in a giant hug. Releasing, "How the hell have you been", they each said to one another. This caused a slight laugh from both women. "I have been fine. Just keeping up with my club, Marquee Sydney", Piper said. "Thats your club", Regina said, "I have heard of that club. It is the hottest thing here in Sydney. I have to check it out now", she said with a laugh. "Just let me know when you want to come. I will put your name on the list", "Sounds like a plan. Well it was nice to see you. We should do lunch soon", "Hey actually I am going lunch with Olivia on Tuesday at the Spice Room at one. It would be nice to get the gang together again", "Alright 1pm on Tuesday it is", "Great I will see you them. Have a good day Regina", "You to Piper", both women finish with a wave and head their separate ways.

Olivia Benson was was out for a jog along the Sydney Opera House harbor. She was coming up to the entrance of the opera house when she bumped into a dark haired woman. They both turn to apologize their faces suddenly have smiles on them. "Ooo sorry.. Hey Xena how have you been", "What.. Ooo I have been fine Olivia. What about yourself", "I have been fine too. Hey actually I am meeting Piper for lunch on Tuesday. It would be nice to get the group back together again", "Yea it would. But we would be missing Regina. Still it's a plan. I am excited I haven't seen her in forever. Tuesday where and what time", "The spice room at 1pm", "Alright I will be there. See ya then Olivia", "Bye Xena", Olivia finished as they parted ways.

Chapter 2 

The weekend flew for all the women. Piper was busy with her hopping nightclub. When Sunday finally came around she was slow to get moving in the morning. The club was the busiest it has been since it opened. She started moving around 10am and made coffee. She was looking through the newspaper to see if there was anything good she wanted to read. There was nothing good so she got up and went to her room. She decided to dress and head out to the park for a run.

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