Where Are We?!

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Chapter 1

Casey's POV

I was in my dressing rooming getting those horrid contacts out of my eyes.

I heard a knocking on the door of the trailer and turned to it.

"Come in."I yelled enough for them to hear me.

The door open and closed and in stepped Mia.

We have been good friends since middle school and haven't lost contact since. She actually had gotten married to Christian and now has a one year old daughter Arizona. Who looked to be the exacted replica of her mother.

"Hey Casey"she said as she sat in a chair next to me.

"Hi" I said in mood slumping back in my chair.

"Well someone's in a mood. I'm taking its about you and Lee?"she asks.

"Yeah. We had a fight last night." I told her.

Me and Lee had started going out not to long after we had met for our roles in Breaking Dawn. But then we had a huge fight last night over something stupid and broke up. No one even knew we were going out except Mia,Christain,Myanna,and Jamie.

"We broke up." I tell her. She gasped eyes wide.

"What, why?!"she exclaimed.

"I don't want to talk of it cause your gonna think its stupid even I think it was. Even if I tried to get him back he probably doesn't want me back anyway." I say on the verge of tears but held them in.

"Whatever you say."she sighed.

"Anyway me and some of the girls are going out to dinner want to come."she asks.

"Sure." I answered. It would help get my mind off things I suppose.

We stood up as I turned to grab my jacket. I heard a bang hit the floor and turned around. Mia had dropped to the ground unconscious.

"Mia!" I started to rush to her side but it felt as someone hit me in the back of the head with a hammer all of a sudden.

I dropped to the ground as black took over my vision.

Lee's POV

I groaned touching the back if my head and I rolled on to my back. My eye peeled open groggily and I saw trees above me. Wait....wasn't I supposed to be in a trailer with Christain?

I sat up looking around and saw I was in a forest. Then I saw different body's laying around and I noticed them to be,Mia,Christian,Myanna,Jamie, Billy, Maggie,Nick,and Casey...thank god she was here.

I know we had broken up and I really wanted her back but she probably didn't want me.

I heard as Christian,and Jamie woke up.

"Where the f*** are we?!" Jamie exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down idiot an wake them up."Christian sneered.

He look and around and saw both Mia an Arizona and sighed in relief. I saw as he shakes them a bit and they awoke.

Turned to Casey and started shaking her shoulder slightly. She groaned and opened her green eyes.

"Whoa um...why are we here?"she says as I help her up in her feet.

"Not sure."Mia says.

Mia and Arizona were now both wide awake, as Mia held the little girl in her arms. Myanna an Jamie were up a they woke up a groggy Billy. Then Maggie held one of her twins in her arms Nick who was only 1.

"Has anyone seen Kellan or Nicolette?"she asked panicked. We all shook our heads no. She looked worried but didn't say anything.

I turned around and froze at what I saw. Right there I'm front of me stood the Cullen house. Inside I saw Kristin,Robert,Mackenzie,Ahsley, Jackson,Elizabeth,Peter,Nikki, Kellan,and Nicolette.

"Guys look"I tell them and they all turn around and gasp.

"Kellan!" Maggie exclaims and runs for the house Nick in her arms still.

We start to go after and her and come to the front of the house.

We saw Kellan,Nicolette,Kristin,Robert, Peter,and Elizabeth come outside.

They brung us inside and I saw the others. we all then sat down on the couches that were just LIKE the ones in the Cullen house just black instead.

"Where are we?"Myanna asks preaching Billy on her lap.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Peter says slumping back.

"Try me?"she replies back.

"Were in the Breaking Dawn Universe." he says slowly an calmly.


AN; Sorry if it wasn't that good but I tried.

Stuck In the Breaking Dawn UniverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora