New guest!!!! And my second dare!

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*Everyone comes in except me and dan*

Jess:hi guys..wheres jem?!

Lukas: i dont know

Everyone else said except me and dan:us too where is jem!!!

*i came into the room while everyone is staring at me except dan*

Jem:uh... Guys what are you doing?

Everyone else except dan: we were so worried!where have you been?

Jem:well ive been in the airport and now we have a special guest!!!

Everyone else except dan:WHO IS IT????

Jem:its....(drum roll please)


Dan: hello everyone thanks for letting me a part of this!

Everyone in the room exept dan: OMG DAN IS HERE YAY YOURE OUR FAVORITE YOUTUBER!!!!

Dan: thanks guys youre too kind!

Jem: dan has a dare for everyone!

Axel and olivia:so is it a safe dare or a bad dare?

Dan: its a safe dare! I dare everyone to have a party!!!

Everyone else: YAY THANKS SO MUCH DAN!!!!

Dan:youre welcome

Jem: who wants to be the dj?

M jesse: ME PLS PIKE ME!!!

Jem: ok jesse start the music up!

Everyone else execpt me:but we dont have decorations and a dj player and food and a dance floor!

Jem: dont worry i have autor powers i can just make it appear!

Everyone else except me: youre a lier you just can't click youre fingers then everyting we say appears!!

Jem: Or can i

*me clicks fingers dance floor,lights,food,dj player,and disco ball appears*


Jem: No problem now lets PARTY!!! Strike up the band dj jesse!


*everyone dances and stays up all afternoon*

Well that was so amazing dan is here and we had a party all afternoon
Ask or dare us anything thank you very much

The day is done

Ask or dare the mcsm crew everybody!!!Where stories live. Discover now