The four boys stood in silence together. Draco looked back at the adults and saw his mother had left again to talk to some other pureblood wife. The four fathers were in a hushed conversation.

Draco turned back and saw a horrendous sight in the space between Crabbe and Goyle. All he saw was big, bushy brown hair and buck teeth. "Who let a beaver in here," Draco scoffed.

The three other boys turned to look at the sight. Crabbe and Goyle laughed. Theo just stared at the person. "That's a girl," he said.

"An ugly one," Crabbe said.

Theo rolled his eyes and muttered something about the train. He walked away without saying another word to the boys. Draco walked back to his father and companions with Crabbe and Goyle in tow. Narcissa had returned and hugged her dear son.

"Do write home, Draco," she said. "I'm going to miss you. I want to know you're safe. I expect letters once a week, preferably everyday, but I know how sometimes you refuse to be sentimental or caring."

"Yes mother."

Draco turned to his father. He noticed Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle were in conversation with their sons. Mr. Nott just stood there without looking for his son. Perhaps he and Theo had said good-bye before hand, or he knew that Theo wouldn't wait around anyway.

"Good luck," Lucius said. "I hope for a letter in the morning saying you are in Slytherin."

"Of course. I belong in the place of my ancestors," Draco said proudly.

Lucius looked proudly at his son. "I'm glad then. You get to carry the Malfoy and Black name through those halls again. They haven't been there in over 13 years."

"I thought mother has a sister who had a–" Lucius stopped Draco mid-sentence.

"Do not speak of your mother's sister. The only sister of hers you acknowledge is your Aunt Bellatrix," he said.

"But she's in Azkaban," Draco said.

"Let's just end this conversation now, please," Narcissa snapped. Both Malfoy men quieted down. "Go now, Draco. Good luck and do your best. Stay safe and make us proud."

Draco hugged his parents one last time before proceeding to the train with Crabbe and Goyle following. He found Theo sitting with a darker complected boy in compartment. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle sat in there too. The two boys quit talking and stared at them. "I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. This is Crabbe and Goyle. I see you know Theo. Who are you?" Draco asked the unknown boy.

"Blaise Zabini," he said bluntly.

"Zabini?" Goyle questioned. "As in the Zabini lady who is widowed all the time and left with a huge fortune under odd circumstances. I heard she kills them herself."

"Shut up you fence post. That's my mother you are speaking of," Blaise snarled. Blaise looked at Malfoy. The train jerked forward, beginning the long journey. "Control your dogs and let me live my life."

Blaise turned back to Theo and continued talking Quidditch. Draco tried to put his comments in but the two boys pushed him away leaving him with only Crabbe and Goyle to converse with. He'd never felt alone and unwanted before. Maybe Hogwarts was a mistake. No, he thought, I can't let them down. Draco was determined to be the best. He just had to find the right friends. His father didn't really have any friends, and he was a great man. Maybe I don't need them, Draco thought. He shrugged the thought off and watched the scenery roll by.

Passion of Enemies {Dramione}Where stories live. Discover now