Hermione furrowed her brow. "Beaver? That is quite a derogative name don't you think?"

His face stayed blank. "And Bean Pole isn't? I've heard worse names people have already called you, Ms. Know-It-All."

Hermione was getting frustrated with this boy. "Then call me Hermione. Or even Granger."

"And you can call me Nott or Theodore. Don't call me Theo. We aren't close enough for that," he said to her.

"Fine. What is this talk of Quidditch then, Theodore?" She asked.

Theodore got up and walked to a shelf close by. He returned with a book labeled Quidditch Through The Ages. He handed it to Hermione. "That will help you more than any of those other books you were reading."

She snatched the book quickly and stared at him. He smirked at her. "I nor the book will hurt you, Hermione. I am simply helping you out," He glanced around the library and then at the table. "I'm going to leave you to your work. Another day, Hermione."

She watched the strange Slytherin walk off leaving her completely confused. For the next few weeks, Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger started to become unlikely friends. It wasn't until just a few days before Halloween did he discover her heritage.

They were sitting at the table working on Potions homework. "Hermione, why did you want to read about Quidditch? I know you like to read and learn but that was a lot of Quidditch reading. Didn't you and your family ever go to a match during your younger years?"

Hermione shook her head. "I'd never heard of Quidditch till I came here. I wanted to learn more. I want to fit in."

Theodore stopped what he was doing and looked at her. "Is one of your parents a muggle? Did the magical one keep it a secret? I know a few magical families don't like Quidditch but everyone still knows what it is."

"Both of my parents are muggles. I want to belong in this world," she told him. "I didn't belong in theirs. I can belong here. I will."

He blinked but kept a blank look. "Y-you're a muggleborn?" She nodded. He leaned back in his chair. "They're going to kill me. Oh Merlin. Hermione, nobody knows about our talks, right?"

"Of course. Theodore, who's going to kill you? What are you talking about?" She asked, clearly concerned now.

Theodore gathered his stuff. "I'll explain to you another day."

"No! I want to know."

"Granger, I promise I'll tell you another day. There are people here, people close to me, that could hurt either of us for talking."

"Is it because I'm a Gryffindor?" It was the only reason she could think of. Slytherins didn't like Gryffindors, but that hadn't stopped them the past month.

He didn't know what to say but he agreed.

On Halloween, Hermione Granger was attacked by a troll but was saved by Harry Potter and side kick Ron Weasley.

Ginny snorted. "Ron would die if he read that comment," she said.

Rumor has it she went to take on the troll to impress young Malfoy. Nobody knows if it is true.

Halloween scarred Hermione, but she became in debt to her fellow Gryffindors. She gained two good friends that day. That's all that mattered to her.

Draco Malfoy heard of what happened with Hermione Granger and almost died. He found it extremely hilarious but was upset when he found out what Saint Potter and Weaselbee had done during the whole fiasco.

The next month and a half past by in a blur. Draco Malfoy still didn't pay much attention to Hermione Granger except for her academic excellence. His focus was on Harry Potter.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" Theo asked in the common room.

"Granger, Potter, and Weasley almost got killed by a troll yesterday," Draco screeched.

Theo dropped his book. "What?"

"You heard me. They went to fight the troll and almost got killed doing it. I wish they did."

Theo frowned. He mumbled something before walking out.

Christmas quickly approached for the giddy first years. Draco still didn't approach the know-it-all but neither could deny their presence. Both Ms. Granger and Mr. Malfoy went home for Christmas that year according to records. I wonder if they sent each other gifts.

On Christmas Day Hermione received four packages by owl. Harry sent her a new quill and a few chocolate frogs. Ron sent her chocolate frogs and cauldron cakes. Neville sent her a few new quills, bottles of ink, and rolls of parchment. Attached was an apology letter from him about him breaking her quills right before break started. He wished her a Merry Christmas at the end. The final had no giver. It was a copy of Quidditch Through The Ages. Attached was a note:

Your own copy so you don't have to borrow the library one anymore to overly learn Quidditch. Rumor has it that Oliver Wood has been on rage because that copy is always gone(even though he owns like 3 of them himself). I hope you learn more from it and from watching the matches.

Draco Malfoy received many gifts from his parents. He received chocolate frogs and licorice wands from Crabbe and Goyle, though he didn't get them anything. Blaise sent him a cauldron cake. Draco didn't get him anything either. Pansy sent Draco too many sweets to count. He also didn't get her a gift. The only person from Hogwarts he got a gift for was Theo, and that was because his mother made him. He bought Theo a new quill, ink, and a few chocolate frogs since he collected the cards. Draco hated the gift Theo sent him. At least Draco was considerate with his gift. Theo got him a book titled Manners For The Pureblooded: A Pureblood's Guide To Social Interaction With Other Creatures And Wizards Who Aren't At Our Level.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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