Chapter 24

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One hour later, horny didn't come close to describing her heightened state of arousal. From the gleam in his eyes, she deduced Nick was on the same page. A couple of tugs verified her hands and feet were anchored to the bedposts. The restraints were fur-lined, and the high-test elastic straps offered a comfortable yield margin, enough to flex her knees. Instead of being embarrassed or afraid, Grace felt desirable, sexy, and, best of all, powerful.

Who knew vulnerability would feel as if she was both offering and receiving a gift?

"Comfy, darlin'?" he asked in a voice that hinted of sultry southern nights and white pillared plantation homes. He stroked her arm, leaving a trail of tingles from shoulder to wrist.

Because she feared her voice would emerge as a croak, she merely gave him a honeyed smile and nodded. It was hard to look worldly and sophisticated when spread-eagled across the bed, butt-naked and breathing hard, but she gave it the old college try. She raised her head to offer a standard, sassy wisecrack. The words died unspoken. She simply stared as he stepped out of his black briefs. Her heart did a crazy flip-flop, as if trying to somersault clear out of her chest. She closed her mouth with an audible snap.

His beautiful, utterly masculine body was toned, firm, and deeply tanned. A band of lighter skin around his hips and upper thighs showcased the Goliath of erections.

His molten gaze took a leisurely tour of her body. "I'm worried I steamrolled you into this, Gracie. Are you sure you're not having second thoughts?" His voice was rough gravel.

Her heart rate accelerated until it pounded in her ears. Anticipation and, if she was completely honest, a tiny thrill of apprehension dried up her mouth. She focused on trust. This was Nick, her friend, her partner, her lover.

She drew a deep breath. "Do you hear me arguing?"

His chest rose and fell with the intensity of his breathing. "No, but I want you to be sure. Just because you got carried away and agreed to—"

"Don't flatter yourself. As a good partner, I'm willing to go the extra mile to prove I trust you."

His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. "Care to elaborate?"

Gazing up at him, she felt vulnerable for the first time. To compensate, she gave him a sultry pout. "Sure thing. You probably feel emasculated after your unfortunate little run-in with Butch this evening. You need to reassert your authority as the alpha male. As a faithful and trusting partner, I'm willing to do everything in my power to help restore your self-esteem."

He moved closer and stooped, catching her face in his hands. "Darlin', you sure know how to throw a mean curve ball," he said, his voice low and ragged, "but I do believe I'll take you up on your kind offer of assistance."

He captured her lips with his mouth. His kiss was slow and tantalizing, an erotic invitation to sensual delights. His tongue conducted a leisurely exploration of her mouth, twined, tasted. But he didn't touch any part of her body.

Caught up in the whirlwind, she could do little else but curl her toes.

When he freed her lips, her breath was coming hard and fast. More turned on than she could ever remember, she took another risk. Still gasping for air, she explained, "Most bondage scenarios revolve around a fantasy." She paused for a beat, gathering her courage. "You said I'd be in charge," she reminded him. "I want to act out a fantasy."

He gave an audible gulp. "Anything specific?"

"Mmmm-hmmm," she said around a deep, shuddering breath. One fantasy had tantalized her thoughts and tormented her dreams ever since she'd laid eyes on Nick. Breathing hard, she raised her head. "You're the white knight. I'm a fair maiden you're rescuing from the clutches of an evil ogre."

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