I slipped off my shoes and joined them in jumping. "Let's play mummy mummy" Karen said. "What's mummy mummy?" Beca asked. "It's where someone lays in the middle and closes there eyes and the people say a chant then the person in the middle keeps there eyes closed and try's to find the other players" Lainey explained. "So want to play?" Karen asked. The rest of us agreed and I got chosen to be the mummy.

I laid down in the middle and closed my eyes. "Mummy mummy come alive" Karen chanted then someone jumped cussing me to fly in the air. I kept my eyes closed and Karen continued the chant. "Come alive on the count of five 1...2...3...4...5 come alive." They all started to move around and I searched for them. I finally grabbed someone's leg then opened my eyes. I got Lainey.

She laid in the middle and Karen chanted again. She was about to grab me when Pete ran outside and yelled "WERE GOING SHOPPING LETS GO CHILDREN!!" Lainey opened her eyes and we all put our shoes on then went inside. On the way in I had just noticed Andy sitting on a lawn chair.

"So did you have fun?" Joe asked Karen and she told him what we did as we walked to the cars.

Patrick, Pete, Lainey, and I went in one car while Andy, Joe, Karen, and Rebeca went in another.

(Skip boring car ride)

When we got to the store I saw we were at Target. "Um I thought we were going shopping" Lainey said and Pete laughed. "Yeah but first we need groceries you like food right?" She nodded and we walked in.

Patrick grabbed a cart and Pete looked at Lainey. "Lainey get in" Pete said and she laughed at him. "No way" he pouted then looked at me. "Halo get in" I shook my head. "I'm 13 there's no way I'm getting in that. Pete grabbed for Lainey but she moved. He tried to grab her again but she hid behind Patrick.

The others walked in and said hi to us. While I was saying hi someone's arms wrapped around me an I went stiff. I was put into the cart and looked to see Pete behind me. "Ha I win!" He yelled and started to run with me in the cart.

"Pete slow down" I said but he didn't listen he went faster. "Pete. Pete! PETE!" I yelled and he let go of the cart. I screamed and suddenly stopped. My heart was racing in my chest it felt like it was gonna burst out.

At the other end you could see them laughing. "You ok there?" Someone asked. "Yeah thanks for stopping the cart" I said and turned to see who it was. Two words-

Brendon Urie

"This is a little awkward but could you maybe um help me out?" I asked and he nodded. He picked me up and put out of the cart. "Thank you" I said and smiled. "What's your name?" He asked. "It's Halo- I mean Haley sorry everyone calls me that and I don't know why" I said and he asked "how did this happen?" "I'm- well we needed groceries so Pete said Lainey get in but she wouldn't so he told me and I wouldn't either then he tried to get Lainey but she used Patrick as a shield and the others came and while I was saying hi to them Pete grabbed me put me in the cart then started running and let me go. Now I'm here" I said he smiled.

"Your Patrick stumps Halo arn't you?" He asked an I nodded. "Well your very luck your Uncle Brendon was here and by the way I'll beat you in a race" I smirked and said your on. He ruffled my hair and I started fixing it then I got an idea.

"Do they know your here?" I asked Brendon. He shook his was no and I smirked. "How about we prank them?" I asked and he smiled. "Ok you can pretend to kidnap me but we can hide in those teddy bears and when one of them comes near us we'll scare them" he smiled again. "I like it okay you ready to scream?" He asked. I nodded and he grabbed my arm.

"Ready go" he said and I yelled "PATRICK HE-" but covered my mouth with my hand and let Brendon pull me to the teddy bears.

We hid in them and could hear the guys calling me. Pete went to the ile we were in and his back faced us as he called for me. I quietly got out and grabbed Pete. He screamed like a girl and everyone came running over. Brendon came out from there and he recorded it.

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