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The Chernobyl Disaster, I finally had my chance to report on the effects left on the city in 1986. The anniversary of the incident was in a week, April 26, 2286, three centuries later. Most had moved on from the disaster, some believing that it never occurred. After the 2011 declaration that Pripyat was a tourist attraction the city became less mysterious and slowly it was forgotten.

In 2086 all documentation of Chernobyl and Pripyat was closed off to public eyes because of deaths of half previous visitors to the city, most likely to be caused by radiation poisoning and radiation caused cancer. Five years ago Chernobyl information was again released and I began extensive research on the nuclear disaster but was unable to discover the causes of the incident. Now I was requesting permission to enter and gather information about the long forgotten city. Upon an agreement with my boss I was granted permission to enter the tourist site.

My journey to Pripyat, Ukraine was to begin in two weeks and I was going to reveal the unknown cause of a horrible disaster that was once known.

Pripyat is My Home - A Chernobyl Disaster Story Where stories live. Discover now