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Anything pastel coloured, you owned.
It was your aesthetic.
It was your lifestyle.
Flower crowns and pastel jumpers were what you wore on a daily basis. You fitted a flowercrown onto your head and smiled into the mirror. You felt yourself when you wore flower crowns, winged eyeliner and baby-shade colours.
You sighed happily as you skipped downstairs to get your shoes on. Tying up your laces, you left your apartment to go to work; you worked at Athlone's best floristry, Blooms. They had set you the project to make the bouquets and flower crowns for a bride and her three bridesmaids. Even after a week of working, you still wasn't near completed.
"Morning!" Your dainty voice called through the flower shop.
"Ah, hello (y/n)!" Your co-workers said in response. You threw your backpack behind your workstation and gathered the progressive flower crowns and bouquets out of the container. Your workstation was white with pink, blue and yellow triangle bunting on the front. As it was right in front of the shop door and window, you made it look as pretty as you could.
Looking at your plan and designs, you arranged the flowers into four piles; bride bouquet, bridesmaid's bouquets; bride flower crown and bridesmaid's flower crowns.
"Miss (y/n) I must say, your work is coming along beautifully." Your manager, Amanda, commented.
"Thank you, Miss Amanda.." You blushed terribly hard. She walked away leaving you to get on. A little,old lady, who was buying flowers for her daughter, smiled towards you after receiving such an honourable compliment.
Hours later, you had completed two of the three bridesmaid bouquets.
"Take a break, Miss (y/n)!" Amanda came back over to you.
"Are you sure?" You asked nervously. She nodded with a light smile.
You sat down on your swivel chair and took out your phone. Nothing was happening or catching your eye so you chose to gaze at the view from the shop window. Being just off the bridge, there was a beautiful sight of the River Shannon and the afternoon sun. You continued to stare even when people walked past. Everyone in Athlone knew each other and got along. You suddenly saw someone you felt quite strongly about.
And that person was Jack.

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