Chapter 1

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It's my last year of college and I didn't think it'd come so soon. I was packing up my clothes and dorm room items for the very last time. I had no plans of going to get my masters after graduation. I wanted to be done with school and finally start enjoying and living my life. I was tired of surviving. I wanted to know what it was like to travel, fall in love and experience all of the amazing things life has to offer. Speaking of falling in love, I was hoping to be able to restart things over with my ex. Aiden.

Aiden and I met in my sophomore year of college and I fell madly in love with him as soon as I saw him. I didn't think he'd be interested in someone like me. I wasn't an eye turner type of girl, or at least that's what I led myself to believe. He was a baseball player in hopes of playing pro. I was supporting him in that dream but I also wanted him to be realistic and have a backup plan but determination was a stronger suit of his. I told myself it was just going to be a simple hookup and I wouldn't allow myself to catch feelings but like I stated previously I caught feelings for him immediately after seeing him. He was a tall 6'3 ginger california boy all the way from Santa Barbara. The day I saw him is still crystal clear in my mind.

"I was hanging out with the other resident assistants talking about all the new freshmen on campus. We were all discussing and betting on who's hall or building would be the worst when my best friend mentioned she'd seen a tall red head guy who looked similar to Archie from Riverdale. I didn't believe her and told her that when I saw him, then I'd believe her. As I was saying that to her, he walked in. He was glistening in sweat from head to toe, carrying a baseball bag and a football in his other hand. I was lost for words as I watched him turn the corner to go to his dorm room. I was too shy to say anything to him at the time out of fear of rejection or embarrassment. I turned my attention back to the group and proceeded to blab about how fine he was only to be shut down by one remark about him...or at least it should've shut me down. One of the other resident assistant said that he was known for getting around. I was shocked because we had just gotten to campus. I simply told her that I wasn't interested in getting to know him or even talking to him. I just thought he was fine. I should've stuck by my word."

From that point on, I told myself to leave it alone. I shouldn't be thinking about him like this. I shouldn't want to get to know him. But I did. So desperately wanted to get to know about this boy from Santa barbara california. Who is he? What is he about? Could he be different from the other guys in South carolina? I got to know who he was and the type of person he was. It made no difference that he was from california. He acted just like every other guy I had met previously. I experienced a new type of hurt that I didn't think I would have to experience. Enough of going down memory lane, I believe in second chances and I felt like growing up all I saw was my paternal figure trying to see the good in people. I want to see the good in him so I'm hoping we can start over and rekindle the love that I believed was there in the beginning. He told me that he was attending school in Tennessee this semester and it was only a 3 hour drive. So he would drive to see me and I could drive to see him. I liked the idea of being able to spend weekends and weeks with him.

I continued packing my stuff into my best friend's brand new car and wondered what this school year would have in store for me. I never knew what I would be walking into each year. I just knew one of the main things I wanted to do was graduate. I wanted to get my bachelors and leave Springfield all together.

We said our goodbyes and I promised my sisters I wouldn't fall so quickly in love with any guy I meet this semester. They weren't aware that I was still secretly talking to my ex. They didn't particularly like him because of the way he treated me. I can't disagree with them. He treated me pretty poorly. We packed into the car and set off to start our stressful senior year in college.

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