The Girl and the Tree

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The Girl and the Tree

The wind howls

And the river flows

The stars twinkle

And the moon glows

Besides the river

A single tree

Hiding a girl

In its warm leaves

She loved the tree

She treated it like home

But nothing can last

Winter will soon come

Winter arrived

The girl was still with the tree

But the tree was dying

And so was she

The warm leaves were gone

The girl was freezing

Somewhere in the darkness

Death was cheering

She kissed the tree

Using all the energy she can take

Then she fell asleep

Never to awake

So death took both of them

The girl and the tree

But the girl died happy

For she was finally free

Spring came soon

And the tree lived again

But not the girl, a flower grew instead

A flower that shall be the tree’s new best friend

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