First Day

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     I woke up to an alarm clock beeping. "Gosh its so annoying." I turn it off and look in the full length mirror on the back of my door. I see that I'm a total mess. My brown wavy hair goes to mid-back and I am in a tight tank top and short shorts. Something you should know about me. I hate people seeing my body in skin tight clothes.

    I was looking in the mirror when all of a sudden im hit in the head and I fall to the floor. My brother Scott runs to me and picks me up and lays me on my bed. "Kitty im so so sorry" he says almost crying. He's so over dramatic. "Its fine jackass." He starts staring at me and smirks. "What the hell are you looking at me that way for?" I yell at him. "No reason," he says then walks out. There is something going on in that twisted mind.

     "Breakfast!" My mom yells before she leaves for work. The only people in my house are my Brother, my mom, and me. My dad cheated and left when I was a baby.

     I lock my door and turn on my music on my phone. I turn on 'Miss Jackson' By panic at the disco. I go and get my clothes that I laid out on my dresser the night before. I was in mid change when my phone buzzed. There was two texts. One was from my BFF Jess and the other was an unknown number.

Hey Girl you ready for high school. Im not. Do you need a ride cause i can ask my sister to pick you up on our way.

Random Number
I hope you don't hide that sexy body of yours.

I text back

To Jess
Im not ready either haha. Im good my brother can take me. Thanks though.

To random number
Who is this?

    I finish getting changed. I look at my self in my full length mirror again. Happy with my work. Im usually not the person to wear nice clothes to school but it was high school so why not. I put on a light orange short sleeve shirt, black tights, cute matching scarf, jean jacket, and boots. I was walking down the stairs when someone grabbed my waist. I turned around and punched them in the nose. They were laying on the ground.

  It was the one and only great ex. "Will! Why the hell are you in my house" i screamed at him. He got up rubbing his nose "Im here cause your brother is giving me a ride to school." Shit i totally forgot. That means i have to sit in the middle. My brother has a bad ass pickup but it only has the one full seat.

      Will grabbed my waist again and pinned me against the wall. He nibbled and sucked on my neck. My only weakness and i gave in the remembered he is my ex. I kicked him in the dick. He let go of me and fell on the ground again. "Scott ill be in the truck waiting." I yell to my brother who was walking down the stairs. I go and sit in the truck and put in my earbuds and listen to more panic at the disco. They get in the truck and Will is a little to close for comfort.

        My brother is a strict driver and always keeps his eyes on the road. Today I wish he didn't. Will put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and stuck up my middle finger. He just smirked and moved his hand farther up my leg. I took out my earbuds and whispered in his ear. "So you wanna play it that way huh." I put my hand on his thigh and moved it farther up his leg and he started to get hard. It was very noticeable. I whispered to him. "I think you have a little problem." I pointed to it and his cheeks lighted up. He tried to stick his hand down my pants put then I punched his dick this time and said. "Sorry looks like your not having any kids." My brother laughed.

    We were finally at school and when I was getting out of the truck Will smacked me on the ass. "Will for goodness sake stop touching me its not happening!" I yelled then ran up to the front doors until I ran into someone. It was John. The tall blonde hunk. I suddenly snapped out of it and was laying on a bench with my head in John's lap. I stand up and walk into the school and John follows me but I ignore it.

    Here it is locker 295. I say to myself. I open my locker to my best friend being right there. Shes tall bright blonde. Wears a little to realving clothes. She has on a pink mini skirt and flower croptop that pushes up her barley anything chest and highheels and shes screaming in my ear. "OMG KITTY, YOU LOOK HOT" screams Jess. "Jess stop screaming" I tell her and she hugs me and says bye when she sees her boyfriend aka my cousin Dillon. I get jealous when I see them intertwine there fingers and he gives her a peck on the lips. I turn back around and start going through my locker putting everything in there when all of a sudden.

    "If people dont stop grabbing my waist I swear." I turn around yelling to see John again. "Im sorry Kitty but you didnt say anything to me when i helped you up." John whispered in my ear. I yelled thank you and sorry and walked away when he grabbed me.
"How about you let me take you somewhere Friday?"
"Sure why not and where are we going?"
"To a party"
"Can my friend come and her boyfriend?"
"I guess"
I walked away and he spun me around and pecked me on the lips and patted my butt and told me to go to class.

  Once the day was over I went home and looked at my phone I had a lot of texts.
Random Number
Hey sexy I hope to see you on Friday at a party. You should come.
I texted back
Who the hell is this?

  I texted Jess
Hey girl got us invited to a party.
How did you do that?
Oh I ran into John and he invited me and said you and Dillon could come too.
Girl you are the best.
I know
We need to go shopping tomorrow for clothes.
I have clothes.
Kitty you need sexy party clothes.
Fine but im not promising anything.
Im heading to your house now and im gonna chose something cute but sexy for school tomorrow so we can go shopping after.
Okay see ya girl.
Ill be there in a hour love.

    It gives me and hour to take a shower. I grab my radio and my towel and bathrobe and head for the bathroom. I see my brothers friend Dean sitting on his bed. I go into the bathroom when i see Dean look at me and turn on my music. I lock the door and get undressed and hop in the shower. When i rinse out all the soap and conditioner from my hair I hear something. I am suddenly grabbed from the shower and pinned against a wall. I can tell its Dean cause he is a red head and my brother has the same hair color as me.

   I ask him "What are you doing?" As he stares at me up and down and smiles. When i finally realize im naked i grab my bathrobe and put it on. I turn off the music and grab the radio and my towel and walk out. I put on my pink lace bra and matching thong. Short shorts and a lose tank top.

Finally Jess shows up and we walk upstairs. I have a bright red face from being embarrassed. "What happened to you? You look like a tomato." She laughed. "Its a long story." I said as I closed my door when I noticed Dean standing there at the door way. She just laughed at him. She stood up to my closet and started throwing clothes out saying "no. No. Nooooo. You have no sexy clothes." " I could have told you that." She looks at me and smiles. I finally notice her backpack and say to my self "oh great."

  She pulls out a white crop top and says "you'll have something to wear with this." She walks into my closet and comes out with a hat and white vans and short short overalls. I sigh and she leaves and I go to bed.

 I sigh and she leaves and I go to bed

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2016 ⏰

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