Can some tragedies lead to happiness?

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Can some tragedies lead to happiness?- Chapter One 

"Elizabeth, call your father and get the car ready", is what I heard just after midnight on the 12th of September. I had a feeling that today would change my life forever.

Obediently knowing what was happening grabbed my phone, called my father while running out of my room to the car where James, my 14 year old brother was helping my mother.  "Dad meet us at the hospital in 10 minute" is what I practically yelled down the phone, and hung up as fast as I called.

"Liz, James get in the car with your mother, I'll drive" a voice said behind me. I turned to see our 25 year old neighbour Sally, smiling I immediately handed her the keys and got into the back seat with mum, while James went to the passenger seat.

The drive seemed to take ages, getting to the hospital for us living only five minutes away. When we finally arrived, James ran in to get a wheelchair while Sally helped mum and I grabbed the bags that we packed in the car a couple of days ago. Then I raced into the hospital we my mother was being rolled off to a room somewhere. I followed with all the bags filling my arms, trying to find my way through the maze of walls and medical supplies.

When I got to the room mum was screaming in pain, I dropped everything I had and ran over to her.

"Can't you give her something for the pain?" I questioned.

"We are going to give her the highest painkiller we can that won't harm the baby," the nurse answered.

Rolling my eyes I went back to my mother who had her eyes scrunched up in pain.

"Lizzy" she breathed. i shook my head in worry.

"Mum don’t waste your energy, ok stay strong" I demanded firmly.

"No, get your brother out of here" she replied letting go of my hand. I heard a beeping sound. A nurse was pulling me away and pushing Sally, James and I out of the door. "Will she be ok?” I asked. The nurse only looked away and headed back in shutting the door behind her.

"Liz, what is happening with mum?" James questioned me, "Is this what normally happens in labour?" I looked at him unwilling to answer shaking my head.

"No it isn't" Sally answered for me sighing, "Your mother is going through a lot of pain, and the nurses didn't want for us to see her like that."

I stood up and walked down the hallway heading outside to get some fresh air, I wasn't watching were I was going. I knocked into someone, "Hey, watch were you’re going" a kind of familiar voice said, I looked up to see Brian, the school's weirdo. i sighed again.

"Sorry Brian" I replied quietly and went to keep walking.

"Wait Elizabeth, you know who I am?" he asked, looking at me in disbelief.

“Of course I do, we share three classes together" I replied, forgeting why i was here, "Why wouldn't I know who you are?"

"Because you are in the popular group who doesn't pay attention to anyone else" he whispered.

"Way to stereotype. Just because I hang out with the popular group doesn't mean I am like them" I argued. Why would he think that? I asked myself sighing yet again.

"Sorry, clichés are all our school is about." Brian defended himself.

"That’s alright" I replied taking a deep breath. Just because i am scared and angry doesn't mean i have to take it out on him, "So, what are you doing here?" Brian shook his head and looked away. "That’s alright you don’t have to tell me" I quickly said sensing his discomfort.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2013 ⏰

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