☆♡ Myia-Lynn Angel ♡☆

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She bought an outfit, not a dress as her legs were too scared up for her to comfortably wear one. She went to the wedding ceremony itself then to the reception.

She was the lone female who wore pants, every other female wore a dress. But she didn't care as her wearing a dress would have scared everyone.

She let her long hair down as she always wore it up in a bun at work. It reached her lower back, wavy now and rich with colors of light blonde and gold.

She had a great time listening and watching. By the time the new married couple got ready to leave, so did Myia.

She made her escape and walked out of the reception and into the hotel lobby. She was on her way through when she heard a rumble of a growl she stopped at hearing and looked around.

She saw a group of males exiting the restaurant and sighed before trying to leave to grab a taxi home. It took awhile as the group seemed to surround her seconds later, stopping her in her tracks.

One male seemed to be focused on her as he moved in her way and wouldn't let her leave. The others grunted and huffed, groaned and cursed before she was taken into the elevator.

She realized she knew what he was as soon as the gorgeous male pulled her into his arms and put his face to her throat and inhaled.

He groaned, taking in her pure scent and growled making the others move back against the walls. He was more feral then ever as he maneuvered her out of the elevator and away from the others.

If it hadn't been for the people in the hallway, she was sure he would have tossed her over his shoulder but he restrained himself as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and took her to his room.

Once in the locked room, he emptied his pockets while asking her name. Myia sighed and grabbed his phone off the counter and used it. He snatched it away and was going to turn it off until he looked at the screen.

He saw she'd opened a message pad and typed in her name and part of a phone number. He handed it back and she finished the number and sent a message to her phone.

He huffed and said not talking? I'll never hurt you Myia. She used her own phone and messaged his so she could talk.

He grunted and looked at the screen and read the message, it made him growl in anger. He moved quickly, had her against the wall.

He took in her scent before unbuttoning her jacket and had her take it off. He soon had her shirt removed all while inhaling in her pure scent.

He saw the healed scars and growled, before she could stop him, he had her pants undone and made her step out of her shoes.

Her held her in place by holding onto her hair as he moved back to examine her body. She was skinny, with many scars, some going under her lingerie.

He turned her around and growled as she'd been whipped and the scars were the proof. He moved her hair over her shoulder, and before she knew it, he'd shredded her underwear to see even more.

She held herself still as he'd took each hand and held her arms over her head. He kissed her neck and breathed her scent in before he turned her around.

She was most definitely waiting for him to reject her as she'd given him her full name to do so. She wasn't a flawed she-wolf, instead cruelly scared and in no condition to be a mate. She couldn't even have kids as she'd been that badly ruined when held captive.

Vance looked at her form, then dropped her arms as he vibrated in anger. He turned from her and grabbed his keys before leaving the room.

She rushed about as she put on her clothes, grabbed his phone, deleted her number and the message and as soon as possible, escaped the room with all her things and left the hotel within minutes.

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