Spencer Reid x Reader Morning Coffee

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Dr. Spencer Reid from the BAU in Quantico , Virginia wasn't in his head that day. He took a drink from his coffee, which usually woke him up at once and got his gears working. But getting no response as the genius passed a trash can, he sighed and threw it away. He pulled his jacket closer to his body as snow fell into his brown hair. He noticed that he was approaching the BAU and his brown eyes finally lit up slightly. His job always did bring joy to his life. His purple scarf and messenger bag flowed gently in the cold, December wind as he rushed quickly to the entrance. He shook his head, shaking the snow out of his hair as he stepped into the elevator. He stepped out on the floor he worked on and through the glass doors all the way to his desk. He set down his things and removing his jacket revealing his outfit which consisted of black dress pants, white dress shirt, a purple sweater vest, a tie and converse with to match mismatched socks. He looked up to the raised level in the office to see Hotch walking out of his office walking to the conference room. "Reid," Hotch looked at him as he walked pass "We think a old murder has started killing again, come to the conference room immediately, Garcia is almost here to deliver the case". The 30 year old nodded, clipping on his FBI tag. He began walking, not looking where he was going and ran into someone. "I'm so sorry" A feminine voice said looking at him. "It's fine" He said, looking back at her. His mouth nearly fell open when he looked at her before she turned away. She had h/c hair and sweet, e/c eyes, and he didn't know if it was the lighting or if her eyes actually sparkled when she looked at him. Her lips were a bright red. He looked at her outfit as she walked off. She wore a red dress with a black collar and converse, just like his as well as mismatched socks. Spencer was speechless. He wasn't one to believe in love at first sight, but he was sure as hell he believed in it now. She turned around to look back at him, her papers in her arms rustling quietly. She smiled at him, making his cheeks dust a light pink, run his fingers through his hair and have him smile back. He noticed that she also blushed at his smile. He didn't hear the approaching of the technical analyst, for he was too busy staring at the girl he had just met. "Reid, Reid" Peneople repeated "Helloooo? Earth to genius!". Spencer snapped out of his daze "What?". Garcia followed his former gaze and a smirked formed on her face "You like her don't you". "Who?" Spencer asked. "The new girl" Peneople nodded to the female who handed one of the papers to Rossi as he walked to the conference room. "You know her?" Spencer questioned looking at his friend. "Well we talked once" Peneople smiled "Anyway, come on lover boy we got a crime to solve". He followed Garcia hearing her giggling of excitement. As he watched the girl he had ran into he figured out that he didn't need his morning coffee to get his head working.

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