Chapter 2 - First Day at Mitchells High

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When I got to my dorm I was looking for room number 112. While I was walking through the hallway there were teenagers everywhere, on the floor, by the room doors. I quickly moved down the the hallway and came to my room.

I Locked open the doors and through my bags on the floor and threw myself top of my bed without noticing someone sitting on the opposite bed.

I heard someone clear their throat and I looked up.She long blonde curly hair, greyish-greenish eyes, and a body of one of Victoria secrets models.

"Hi!! You must be the new girl. I'm Natalie de Rouw."the person said. "Sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Kia ... Kia Robertson. Nice to meet. I guess we roommates than?" I said with a smile on my face. "Yeah roommates" I could hear the sarcasm in her voice but just ignored it and started unpacking my suitcases.


Yeah my first day at Mitchell's high is about to start. (Note sarcasm) I first have to go to the secretary's office, she said the principle would like to speak to me about something. I went to the bathroom, washed, brushed my teeth and straightened my hair. When I was done it was round about 7:45. I decided to go to the office early so that I wouldn't be late for my class or that would show bad character.

I got to the office and the secretary led me to the principles office. On the door was a little card with Mrs Davis engraved on it. I nicked once and immediately was let in.

"You must be Mrs Robertson. Kia Robertson if I'm right."

I just nodded and walked towards the seat she was pointing at earlier gesturing me to sit down.

"Mrs Robertson I just wanted to get you know you before everyone else and I wanted to take you to your first class if you didn't mind. Your dad also said that I should keep a close eye on you since you like to wander around and we  wouldn't want you to get lost now would we??"
"No ma'am"
" okay then let's go, we don't want to get you late"

*the syrine ringsfor first period*

When we got to my first class which was English

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