Chapter 1

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I had closed my eyes and had gone to sleep. That's what had happened. Then I had a message from the ship gods. I...

I was the leader of the newest Clan. JetraClan.

Any normal person would have thought it was a dream...but I believed. I just did.

Then I had my cat body. I could feel. 

That was three months ago.

The Clan has grown, taking people from Wattpad, and all is well. Sure, our borders with LuktraClan are uneasy, but it has always been that way.

And now I close my eyes, returning the my Clan yet again.

I wake as a cat.


I'm in what we called the Spawnplace. It's a small hole surrounded by brambles. I can see sunlight touch my face through the trees. The air smells good. It smells of the forest.

Everything is okay.

I scrambled out of the hole and bound down a path, my russet tabby fur dancing in the breeze. The path is dirt, made by the ship gods.

Then I enter the JetraClan camp.

It's a small clearing. We've weaved brambles around the trees, making a wall as higher than a cat can jump. I hear that the other Clans have done similar things to what we did.

There's a large tree in the middle of the clearing. Our tree. Our meetingplace.

The fresh-kill pile is clean of mice or anything that would taste nice in cat form. We don't hunt often-we don't need to.

The Warriors den is a hole under a bush that managed to grow into our camp. It for anyone to just hang out in, talk, take a nap.

The medicine cat den is a hollow tree next to a pond. Half of the pond is unreachable due to the fact brambles cut through it. We did that when we made the bramble wall. The hollow tree has bramble woven around it, just above the entrance so we can slip into it.

My coming alerted the Warriors. It's what happens when someone 'spawns', you get this feeling, and a name slips into your mind...

"Redstar! Redstar!"

A cat skids to a stop in front of me, light orange fur in a mess, her orange ear pricked up, her grey ear swerving in my direction. Her tail flicks, and I can clearly see the grey line running down it.

"Hey, Dawnfire." I greet her.

She gives me a cat smile.

"Anything bad that's been going on when I haven't been here?" I ask.

"A small argument with a PexelClan border patrol, but nothing too serious." Dawnfire tells me. "But still, it's good to see that you're here."

"It's always nice to be back." I admit, flexing my claws.

I touch my nose to Dawnfire's, a JetraClan greeting without words, and cat smile at her. 

"What was the argument about?" I wonder out loud. 

The ship Pexel (Axel X Petra) has always been my NOTP, but we haven't given them trouble, and they haven't given us trouble. I often sneer at them when they aren't looking, but it's just a don't-attack-us-and-we-won't-attack-you relationship.

I bet they sneer at us sometimes, though. Unless it's a Semi-Clan member...

"Huh?" Dawnfire seems slightly uncomfortable at my question, " know, they said Jetra doesn't make sense..."

"And the JetraClan border patrol argued back?" I guess.

"Yeah. Frostifre, Ashbreeze and I argued for a bit. We eventually just ignored them and we kinda made them made by doing so..." Dawnfire shrugs.

"Good job. Kudos for ignoring them. It probably better than arguing." I praise. "I don't want a ship war, not matter how much I hate Pexel."

Dawnfire nods. "Well, I'm going  to go on a hunting patrol. Wolfshine isn't here yet, so I assume I can go. Wanna come?"

"Of course!" I purrs.

Dawnfire smils and we start heading towards the entrance. We will probably find more cats to come, but if we don't, that's fine. Two cats could still catch some prey.

I notice that the sun is quite low. Soon it will be dusk here. Time is confusing here, we never know what time it is. But anything is fine as long as everyone got to be together, right?

I stop for a moment to admire the sunlight filtering through the leaves of our large tree. Dawnfire notices and stops as well.

"I love our tree." I meow.

"Oh no, looks like we have a new ship, Redstar and tree!" Dawnfire laughs.

I chuckle and bump her with my shoulder playfully. "I thought the trees were for Ivor?"

"Well, there's no TrivorClan yet, and I'm allowed to ship what I want." 

"You know I didn't mean it that way. I just like it as a tree."

Dawnfire rolls her eyes at me, grinning.

I spot Flashbreeze walking around the tree. Her whitish fur is getting darker as the sun set, and she is  holding marigold in her mouth.

When she came she decided to be part warrior, part medicine cat. She doesn't know a lot of the medicine cat stuff, and she doesn't know everything a warrior knew. That is okay.

Flashbreeze is heading towards the medicine cat's den.

I would normally ask her to come, but she seems busy, so maybe later.

"Hey guys!"

Foxdapple bounds towards us. Her brownish-red fur looks orange in the sunset light. I know I chose the right name for her. 'Fox' works well with her black paws and white tail tip, not unlike that of a fox.

"What're you up to?" She asks, golden eyes wide.

"We're gonna go on a hunting patrol!" Dawnfire pads over to her, "wanna come?"

"Yeah! I was telling Firesong some jokes but she was not amused." Foxdapple purred, "are we going to the adderrocks?"

"No, because one, there's no prey there, and two, it's called adderrocks for a reason." I tell her, "we haven't had any deaths, and I want it to stay that way! Besides, what would we do three months without our joke teller?"

Foxdapple thinks about this for a moment, then nods. She's adventurous, and I hope she doesn't go anyway. She usually doesn't argue with fellow members of her Clan, though.

So, together, we head off towards the entrance, Dawnfire telling us she'll catch a rabbit, Foxdapple betting that she won't, and all of us laughing.


The_Howling_Fox as Foxdapple

Jentheplayer as Dawnfire

Me as Redstar

KatieKatGaming as Flashbreeze

ninokuni789 as Ashbreeze

Spiritual_Fire as Frostfire

CrazyCookieCatGirk as Firesong

So, that's the first chapter. Do you like it?

To all those mentioned but not seen: I'll get to you. Ashbreeze, Frostfire and Firesong will be seen soon, I promise.

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