Halloween Special

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"I could say the same about you," Paul said, with a look of admiring lust upon his face as he stared openly at Richard. "You're looking extra-fuckable tonight, darling."

"I don't feel it," Richard complained, as he reached up to scratch beneath his collar again. "It itches and the cape's too heavy."

"Come here," Paul tutted, even as he beat Richard to the chase and closed the distance between them, himself.

He reached up and twisted and manipulated the material upon Richard's shoulders, until the cape lay a little more evenly upon his lover's body, and thereby reduced some of the drag upon Richard's chest and shoulders. Richard sighed in relief at the transference of weight, as Paul's fingers brushed at his throat, loosening the collar until it didn't lay quite so tightly against the other vampire's skin. Richard felt a second surge of relief as the trapping itchy confines of the shirt collar eased a little, yet his relief didn't last long. He became distracted by Paul's hands travelling across his chest, strong fingers exploring every dip and curve and swell of Richard's body trapped beneath his vampire costume.

"Fuck me, but you look good," Paul breathed, as his hands travelled beneath the cape and squeezed at Richard's butt sharply.

Paul hummed in appreciation at that, fingers exploring the curve and swell of his lover's butt and Richard closed his eyes, feeling his lust travelling straight to his dick and making it swell against the front of his trousers. Paul's chuckle, when it came, was deep and dark and dirty, and Richard could smell his lover's lust thick and heavy on the air. Richard smiled with fangs showing as Paul lightened his dick alongside his lover's, and Richard could feel how hard Paul was, as the other vampire began to rub himself against Richard's clothed cock.

"See what you do to me?" Paul breathed against Richard, mouth dipping down to lay a harsh bite against Richard's neck, hard enough that blood swelled and beaded beneath cut flesh.

Richard cried out in arousal, as Paul licked the blood away before it could drip down and soil the costume, and his lips closed over the bite, fangs sliding deep into Richard's neck and Richard cried out, louder still, hands fluttering against Paul's back, ineffectually, but his movements were encouraging, not aimed as deterrent. Paul's mouth worked at Richard's throat, sucking blood and bruises from Richard's skin and Richard was achingly hard, by the time that Paul had finished, tongue lapping the remnants of blood from his lips as Paul stared at the other vampire, eyes lust-blown and dark, pupils threatening to swallow the misty-blue of his eyes.

"Please," Richard said, as he pawed clumsily at Paul's trousers. "Please, Paul, let me fuck you."

Paul laughed at that, and his hands were steadying when they laid atop Richard's clumsily grasping ones, gaze steady despite the blown irises.

"We'll be late for the party," Paul pointed out, even as he guided one of Richard's hands between his legs and their joined hands began rubbing at Paul's erection.

Paul closed his eyes, as he felt the twin pressure against his already hard cock, and it didn't take long before he was fully erect and aching. Paul shuddered in pleasure against Richard, body arching into his lover's, as he gave an embarrassing whine of need, loud in the otherwise quiet stillness of their bedroom.

"Fuck being late for the party," Richard growled against Paul's neck. "Fuck Till. And especially, fuck you."

Paul could do little more than nod, and dip his head down so that his forehead rested against Richard's shoulder, the unfamiliar slide of silk strange beneath his skin. He felt Richard's hands groping at him unsteadily, grappling at unfamiliar clothing, as Richard pried open the fastenings on Paul's trousers. Paul was a panting mess by the time that Richard managed to pull his trousers down, and Paul grinned when he heard Richard's curse; Paul had foregone underwear that night, wanting to go commando for a change, as he'd earlier had the sneaking suspicion that Richard might be feeling more than a little aroused at some point during the night.

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