Chapter 2: Chase

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(A/N: I dedicate this chapter to my friend SJ. If any of you guys are hunger games fans, then i think you should check out her story! Her username is @billbo300 and her story is called Under The Raindrop!! It would mean alot to me if you checked it out!)


At exactly 4:45 I start heading to the

kingdom. This is not new for me. I do this almost every night. I have a path that i follow into the kingdom and it takes me exactly 15 minutes if i walk fast.

I get to the kingdom and like every day at 5:00 there is my beautiful best friend, Astrella. Purple eyes glimmering in the moonlight. She runs up to me and hugs me as if she hasnt seen me in 100 years.

"Oh, im sooooo glad to see you! I have some big news!" She said with that beautiful smile on her face that she hides from the world.

"What?!" I say, trying to sound as happy as i could, hiding what i felt inside.

"You know Chase? The farmers boy that comes to the kingdom to bring us straw?!" She exclaims.

"Uh yeah a little." I answer.

"Welllll, hes coming to meet me here. Tonight!! Right here in the garden! Isn't that wonderful??!!" She says jumping up and down.

"Oh my gosh! Im soo happy for u! Come on lets get you ready! Your break only lasts an hour!" I exclaim trying to look happy for her.

We walk inside the little shack Astrella has to live in alomg with the other royal slaves.

She has a small room and an even smaller closet with tattered chlothes.

Takes a box off the shelf and opens it.

She reveals a long flowing dress.

Its strappless with blue sequins on the top and makes her beautiful purple eyes 100x brighter.

She puts the dress up to her body and spins around.

She slips the dress on and i know she feels absolutely beautiful.


"You look beautiful in that dress!" Chase exlaims as his blonde hair wisps in the mild kingdom winds.

"Thank you. The garden is this way." She says smiling that big smile that only comes out every once in a while.

They have dinner in the garden and it all goes well. I sit in the woods sharpening a stick when I hear Chase stand up and say, "May i please be exused?" I listen to Astrella mutter "Yes of course."

His footsteps come closer and i sink depper into the bushes hoping not to get caught eavsdropping.

Too late.

"Um. Who is there?" He asks a little bit shaky.

I didint wanna scare him so i stepped out of the bushes. "Oh hey im sorry Astrellas my best friend and i was just making sure she was okay and stuff. Im not a stalker or anything." I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, your fine." He says ad he stares into my eyes and I hope he doesnt see that i am wearing contacts to make my eyes look green.

"So, military huh?" He asks with a smirk.

I pause and say "Oh uh, yeah."

I can sense something.

Something is very odd about him.

I just cant figure it out.

Like when you have a word at the tip of your tongue but you just cant figure it out?

Its like that.

"Well i should get back to Astrella but we will talk later, yes?"

"Uh. Um yeah sure i guess." I respond walking away. I want to get as far away from him as i can but i cant leave Astrella.

Just wait a couple more minutes.

I get back to my stick sharpening when I stop hearing Astrellas voice. I look through the thickets and i see Chase walking towards me again. Wheres Astrella?

I start walking away but i don't get that far before someone grabs my stomach and pulls me back. I stab them with the stick but it doesn't work. They cover my eyes so i cant see who they are. I scream.

And that's the last thing I remember.


Authors Note:

This was another short chapter but i just want to get a couple chapters out there. I PROMICE they willl get longer. im just new to this and its a little hard to get used to. I hope you guys inderstand. Again, give me feedback and tips of how i can make this story better! Comment if you think i should keep writing. Thanks so much!

-Izzy ;3

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