Morgana blinked twice at the log before looking back at Merlin, "quite the demonstration, there."

Merlin gave a sheepish grin, "well we didn't really have anything to cut down a tree with."

She smiled and walked towards the logs, putting her hands on her hips and pursing her lips, "any spell you can use to make them assemble themselves?"

Merlin shrugged, "I can try a few things," he closed his eyes and rested his fingers on his temples, helping him to concentrate. He held out his hand and whispered, moving the flat beams onto the ground and sealing them together, creating a floor. Next he whispered a few more words and willed a few logs to create outside walls around the floor. He then created three walls inside of the house: one room for Morgana, one for himself, and a kitchen. Lastly, he took the remaining logs and built a triangular roof above it. Once he placed one last spell to make sure the house was steady and secure, he and Morgana walked inside.

Morgana let out a low whistle and smiled, "quite the architect, aren't you?"

Merlin chuckled, "not really, just determined to not be rained on."

Morgana laughed and ran back outside to grab their things and bring them in before the rain came. Morgana closed the door behind her and Merlin smiled, "I guess I should've added windows," he said, noticing how dark it was. "I think I'll wait on that until the rain passes. For now," he raised his hand and made a small lantern appear, lighting it with his magic, "this'll have to do."

Morgana smiled, "your gift is wonderful."

Merlin smiled, "you have it too."

"Yeah but, I won't be as good as you are."

"That's only because I've had practice," he reassured her. He handed her the lantern and smiled, "this one can be for your room. I'll make another one for myself."

She took it and smiled, heading into her bedroom. It was actually a bit bigger than she expected, it was about 15 feet long, 15 feet wide, and 10 feet tall. She shook her head and smiled, whispering to herself, "Merlin, you never cease to amaze me."

She laid out her pack and her lantern next to her shoes. Even if it was a bit improper for a lady to remove her shoes, she didn't want to track mud through their house. Besides, Merlin wouldn't care. She walked over to his room where he had his eyes closed in concentration as he conjured up a bed frame. She clapped when he opened his eyes again, "very good."

He turned around and smiled, "uh, thanks."

"I can't believe how big these two rooms are. This house looks much smaller on the outside."

Merlin chuckled, "it's like magic."

Morgana scrunched up her nose, "that was terrible," she said, even though she was giggling.

Merlin walked over to her room, "I assume you would like a bed as well?"

She nodded, "yes please."

He closed his eyes in concentration and suddenly, a bed frame started to appear before her very eyes.

"Thank you, Merlin," she said as the bed frame appeared.

"Of course, but wouldn't you want a mattress as well?"

She giggled, "that would be lovely."

He whispered a few words that made no sense to her and his eyes glowed, making a mattress and a pillow appear on top of the bed. "There you are," he said as left her room to finish his own bed.

"Thank you, Merlin," she replied as she walked over to it. She flopped on to it and laid on her back. She smiled in delight as she felt how comfortable it was. "Magical," she sighed.

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