6- Help Me

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***KRIS POV***

Before I went home the day I came home, I decided to stop at Walmart and get dinner for Asher and I.

When I got home, our front door was standing wide open. I tried texting Asher to tell him, but he never answered.

Confused, I got out of our jeep and walked up on the front porch quietly and carefully, and walked inside to see our house a pigsty.

"Ash?" I called out.

No answer.

I walked upstairs into our bedroom to see it was just as messy as the rest of the house. I was literally gone for three days.

"Ash?" I repeated, louder this time.

I walked downstairs into our kitchen area, and felt something crunch under my foot. I moved my foot and saw a small plastic bag.

I furrowed my eyebrows and bent down and picked it up. Oh my god.


"You're fucking stupid." I laughed at Ashleigh. "Doctor Who is not better than Harry Potter."

"Yes it is!" She yelled.

"No it isn't." I shook my head. "What's so special about a smug british alien from a different galaxy that travels around time an space in something that sounds like an insult?"

I heard Dubo, Slim and Rook laughing and I looked at them. "What's so funny?"

"You two are the biggest nerds I've ever met." Rook laughed.

"At least we can both afford decent haircuts." Ashleigh smirked.

"Holy shit!" Slim screamed, running over to Ashleigh and highfiving her. He ran back over to Rook.

"You got knocked the fuck out!" He yelled in his face, causing all of us to laugh really hard.

"Yo, who's phone is ringing?" Dubo asked.

We all got silent and heard a phone ringing. I got up and walked to the coffee table, where all five of us had placed our phones.

"Oh, it was mine." I told them, picking up my phone and answering it.


"Kells?" I heard a frantic Kris ask.

"Yeah, is everything okay?" I sat back down on the arm of the couch.

"Not really." She breathed. "I know this is really wierd that I'm calling you, but you told me to if I needed anything."

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I scrunched my eyebrows together. Everyone looked at me.

"Kris." I mouthed. They all nodded and started talking to each other. "What's up?"

"Um, I don't really know what to do." She said. "I found heroin in the kitchen last night."

"You what?!" I exclaimed, sitting up straight.

"Yeah, it was Asher's." She told me. "I brought it up to him, and he-"

"Kris, did he hit you?!"

The line was silent for a minute. "Kells, please, help me." I heard her sniffle and I knew she was crying. I felt a pang in my chest, knowing I couldn't hold her and tell her it'll be okay right now.

"I'll be there soon. Um, go to Walmart or something. I don't want you around him right now." I told her, slipping on my chucks with one hand and holding my phone in the other.

"Okay." She said. "I'll see you soon. I'm just gonna walk to the one closest to the house."

"Bring some clothes with you, because you're not going back there. I won't let you." I grabbed my keys and wallet and shoved them in my pockets.

"I will. Bye."


I hung up my phone and shoved it in my pocket. Everyone looked at me in confusion. I explained to them all what happened.

"I want you guys to come with me in case Asher or his dumbass friends try to start shit." I told Slim, Dubo and Rook. They all nodded and threw on some shoes.

"I'm going too." I heard Ashleigh say. "If y'all get into a fight, someone needs to be with Kris. Plus, I'm nosey."

I chuckled. "Okay."

After about two minutes of rushing, everyone was finally ready and the five of us crowded into my truck. Dubo was riding shotgun, and Ashleigh was in the back seat in between Rook and Slim.

"You think y'all are gonna get back together?" Dubo asked about halfway to Columbus.

I shook my head. "Probably not."

"Why?" Rookie blurted. "You know, her moving in with you would be the perfect opportunity."

While everyone else thought this was funny, I, however, did not. I grabbed an empty water bottle off the floor board and threw it in the back seat blindly, but still managing to hit Rookie in the face with it.

"Ass." Rookie muttered.

"Cocksplat." I screamed stupidly.

"Dickmallow." He screamed back.

"Weaselheaded fucknugget."

Since Rookie had no comebacks, he gave up and I won. The rest of the way to Columbus was pretty quiet.

When I got there, I went to the Walmart that was closest to where Kris and Asher lived. I found a parking spot and we all got out of the truck and walked to the doors and went inside and started looking for Kris. After failing, we went back outside and found her.

Except she wasn't alone. Asher was being held back by some guy who looked half dead, and he was screaming as loud as he could at Kris. She was in tears.

"Get her bag." I told Slim. He nodded.

I quickly ran to her and picked her up and started carrying her to my truck. I looked behind me and saw that everyone was still alive and right behind us.

When I got there, I opened the front passenger door and set her down the seat and stood between her legs.

"Are you okay?" I asked her softly, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

She shook her head and sniffled. I pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head comfortingly.

"I'll be right back." I said quietly. "When they all get out here, tell then I said one of them will have to sit in the hatch. You stay right here."

She nodded and I started running to the front doors, where Asher and his friend were, passing Slim, Dubo, Rook and Ashleigh on the way. Slim went with me, while Dubo, Rook and Ashleigh went and stayed with Kris.

"Hey, Asher, right?" I approached him, where he was sitting on a bench.

"Yeah, who the fuck are you?" He asked rudely.

Without saying anything, I punched him in the jaw as hard as I could. His hands went right to his jaw and I could see blood on his face and hands from my rings.

Knowing he wouldn't do anything, I ran back to the truck and hopped in the drivers seat.

"I don't think he'll be bothering you anymore."

There's always that one asshole I write in every story. In this one, it's clearly Asher. I dunno who it was in the first book. Maybe the guy who threw the cheeseburger at Kris on the first day of their junior year?

Stay wierd.

June 28, 2016

Song of the chapter-
Hero by Skillet

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