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“So one” she says “where is your little friend to come and help you know?”

“I don’t need her to be able to kill you” I say. Throwing a knife and running away, I don’t look back. I just continue running as far away as possible.

District 2 Male. - Caleb Red. (@merthurisawesome.)

A whole cauldron of emotions are bubbling up inside me. Every step further through the tube feels like i'm edging closer and closer to my death. As per usual i am clueless in what to expect. I look around and share worried glances with the other tributes. After what felt like years we reached the arena. I stared up in awe and fear at the towering volcano that loomed over me, blocking out the sun like an eclipse. This was definately impressive but the sight did worry me...

I stared down in pure horror as Meegan, Maecro, Menetts, Micheal, Alfonso and Aranger plummeted into the bubbling lava. Their screams and wails of pain rang out in the air like a warning, a warning that, that could have been me. I stared down at the lava which had just engulfed the bodies, the smell of burning flesh wafting in the air. I wiped a stray tear from my face, i had grown up with Meegan and now she was dead. I squinted to see the cornocopia infront of me. I looked to see dead shrubs and grassesand the only sign of life was the volcano and that of the other tributes. I looked around hastily for any form of weapon to arm my self with. I had a few poision darts that i snook in but that was it. I then saw a stone which i could easily sharpen and use for cutting and lighting. I grabbed it greedily, this protection made me feel a little safer than before.

I began to briskly walk down the swaying bridge, other tributes slightly infront of me. I did not dare look down as i had an unfortunate fear of hights and were pretty high up! I tried to spread my weight evenly across the bridge to prevent swinging. To be honest it was going perfectly well until there was a sudden gust of wind that i hadn't been expecting. The bridgenswung violently to the right. I yelped as i lost my footing and began to slide off the bridge. Panic rose into me and my heart began pounding. Desperately scrambling, i clung onto the ropes. I tensed as the rope began to cut into my hand rubbing it raw and bloody. I gritted my teeth as an immense searing flared in my hands. The other tributes did not bat an eyelid as i strugled to cling on. Searching for the strength i hauled myself up. I sighed with relief. I looked down to see a deep gash on my shin, probably from when i slipped. The volcano rumbled slightly. I was running out of time

My pace began to quicken as the volcano began to rumble louder and louder, angrier and angrier. I could feel the bridge weakening as every minute ticked. The cornocopia was in sight and getting closer and closer. I smiled victoriously. But suddenly the volcano let out an almighty rumble and smoke was rising increasingly quickly out of the volcano. Making a snap decision i ran. The bridge giving way beneath me. I sprinted the final 50 metres. I just reached the top as the bridge snapped. I felt myself falling then the sensation that i was dangling in mid air. I looked up to see Emerald and Trev holding onto my hands. With some effort they hauled me up. I lay on the ground regainingnmy breath. "Thank you." i smiled, "So much." "anytime." they replied and helped me up. At least someone cared about me.

I didn't kill anyone as i was to busy dangling off the bridge. But i'm glad, i would feel to much like a monster.

District 2 Female. - Meegan. (@rueandprimforever.)


District 3 Male. - Maecro Menetts. (@mockingjayfire26.)


District 3 Female. - Chanel Lyal. (@Freedom606.)

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