"You look familiar.." he said

"R-really?" I asked.

"Like I felt like you were in my dream" he said.

"You've been in mine" I said fake laughing.

"Emily Dallas? Isn't Cameron your brother?" He asked.

"y-yeah" I said.

"In my dream you had brain cancer.. you died" he said about already in tears. So was I..

"In my dream too.. and that no offense but you were a fuckboy but we dated when I had brain cancer" I said in complete tears.

"YEAH OH MY GOD.." he said crying.

"I missed you.. like I know we started talking but in my dream I really knew you" I said.

"I missed you too.. Emily?" He asked.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes" I said smiling.

-skip to 2 days when she goes to Virginia-

*Jacobs POV*
3-2-1!!! YES I FINALLY GET TO GO SEE EMILY!!! I took my phone out of my pocket and went live on younow.

"Hey cuties! So today is the day I finally get to meet Emily.."

"JACOB!!" Mark yelled.

"Looky here guys it's Mark!" I said.

"Hey! I'll take your phone sir! Let's go!!" He yelled.

We walked past my house and there we were standing at Emily's front door...

"Knock on the door man" Mark said.

I nodded my head and knocked on the door.. I was excited.. because I got to see her not dead but alive.

*Emily's POV*
He's here!! I ran downstairs and opened the door and saw Jacob I started to cry and so did he. I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I missed you" I whispered in his ear.

"I missed you more" he whispered back. I got down and we looked each other in the eyes and kissed.


From that day on we have been together. It's been 10 years since then I never had brain cancer. Me and Jacob are soon to get married since we're 23😂.

Cameron found himself a girl named Skylar and they are married and have a kid named Alex, my niece. She's adorable! Pretty much whoever had a kid they're my nieces and nephews since we're all still really close well with some of them anyways lol.

Taylor stayed whoring around with people sadly.. but I know he might find the right girl!

Aaron moved away to New York with his fiance Kate. They have a 2 year old son named Tyler.

Nash married Taylor (no not caniff) they dont have a kid yet.. she's pregnant tho and with twins!

Hayes.. he eventually killed himself because I wouldn't be with him and plus he wasnt going down the right path.. i miss him.. but it is what is it..

I never knew what happened with Shawn because once he went on his own tour we never saw him again.

Mahogany married Carlos and had 2 kids, both girls. Their names are Luna & Sky.

Jack Johnson lives alone.. but he comes around here and there.

Gilinsky married Madison and had a baby girl named Ally. Ugh they are your family goals. Usually people say 2 looking people make an ugly baby.. NOPE she's freaking gorgeous!! Ugh goals!

Hunter is soon to be married to a girl named Anna they are a cute couple! We always see Hunter because he's our neighbor😂

Brandon is in college but we get letter from him, he said he likes this girl named Kasey.

Me and Johnny never stayed in contact.

Blake is seeing this girl named Brandy. But he plans on proposing soon.

All in all everyone is good. (Except Hayes..) but I'm happy I am marrying the biggest fuck boy of them all. Not that he's a fuck boy anymore😂

But still!

I love the Fuck Boy😂❤


I am started a bunter book! So if you want to read that just stay updated on that :))

I will let you know when I post it!

Thank you guys for such an amazing journey! I couldn't have done this without you!! But just because I am not writing Fuck Boy doesn't mean you guys can't talk to me! I'm always here!

I love you guys


Edited :)

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