Chapter One - Outside the Fortified Walls

Start from the beginning

The white dogs did not even protect their winyan! The war chief's black eyes continued to follow the white female. She had honey-kissed skin and deeply golden hair that shone like a beacon in the sun. She'd been left alone for most days to gather plants with no one near to protect her. This golden haired girl did not even have other winyans to accompany her!

Spirit Bear entertained the thought that maybe he should teach the wasicu a lesson.

This was a definite future for the disrespectful white man, but maybe he would begin by getting a closer look at the woman who had captured his attention. He did not want to acknowledge it, but he was very curious about her...


Some sixth sense caused Kaitlin a moment of reprieve from her gathering. A chill sailed to her on the breeze, disrupting her work in the hot afternoon sun. She straightened up, tall and alert, and scanned the nearby land.

Kaitlin had an epiphany of her surroundings. She always was appreciative of the beauty of her backdrops, but suddenly she saw the thick, full woods as a place that could offer many spots to hide if one had a mind. With new understanding, she realized that even the tall grasses that relieved the trees could be good cover. Everywhere, danger could lurk: the rocks, the gentle hills, and the banks by the river. The young woman shook her head and scolded herself for her very active imagination; she was still alone on the frontier.

The Kaitlin didn't notice the quiet movements of the brave who blended into the background as if it were as natural to him as breathing. Nevertheless, the single woman's hair continued to stand up on the back of her neck. Even though she chided herself for being afraid of nothing, the young female knew she was done gathering for the day. Once Kaitlin had thoroughly spooked herself, she knew she might as well head back to the safest place known.

With a rigid back, the solitary white stooped to pick up her filled basket and quickly walked toward the cabin. When nearing her home, Kaitlin allowed herself one more wary look around. Her breath caught in her throat and her heart stopped momentarily when her eyes met those of the Indian's. The blonde froze: she could not have moved even if she'd wanted to.

A very handsome bronzed warrior was about thirty yards away from her, sitting astride a large painted stallion. The horse was free form any restraints that white man used to control the animals. However, the beast was completely under control. The dominant equine was just as quiet as its owner, standing with rigid muscles alert, ready to obey with any shift of balance.

The commanding male sat tall and erect as his onyx eyes raked her. He was physically honed to perfection. The sun accentuated his bare skin and danced along his prevailing muscles. A bear claw necklace hung over his sculpted chest; he was power personified.

The Indian had full lips that wore a hint of a sardonic grin, but other than that, his features were rock hard. Kaitlin instantly felt exposed. He was like a great cat; he could leap and take his prey in a single bound if he so desired.


Spirit Bear was very surprised when this beautiful white woman, all alone, did not shriek in fear and run away from him. Of course, he had never seen a fair-skinned winyan this close before. His tribe had never had been introduced to the ways of white man although he'd heard from neighboring tribes that the wasicu were weak and cowardly in their warfare. He expected their women to be even frailer than the men were reputed to be.

Why did this woman not try to escape? He could see her trembling. Her lips, inviting and pink, were parted in shock.

For now, Spirit Bear was content to observe. This golden female had surprised him in many ways. Her hair looked so sleek and soft, even when captured in the honey-colored bun that gleamed in the sun. A few tendrils that had managed to escape curled delicately around her face. Her eyes were amber, a shade darker than her hair, and contained hints of green. She wore a frayed gown; it was used but serviceable. He noticed she was slender in build but generous in areas that would please a man. And he was pleased.

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