
"I knew that!"

"Sureeee Bokuto-San."

"Oi, Akaashi, why do you call me that?"

"What? Bokuto-san?"

"Yah, that."

"Well, its your name right?"

"No, my name is Kotarou."

"That's your first name."


"I mean, you're technically my senpai, so I shouldn't address you like that"

"Come on don't even start with that."

"It's not like you call me Keiji" Akaashi remarked.

"You want me to call you Keiji?" Just hearing his name roll off Bokuto's tongue made him red hot.

"Um,- no."

"Never mind." Bokuto shrugged.

"Soo, where are we going?"

"shhh, its a secret." Akaashi rolled his eyes. He could obviously tell they were about to watch a movie, they were already in line for tickets.

After buying some hella expensive snacks in the movie theater, Akaashi soon figured out they were going to watch a comedy. Not a rom-com, or a movie that has a couple of funny jokes. It was a movie that was going to make him laugh. Every. Single. Second.

However, Akaashi didn't like his laugh. He started to get extremely self-conscious.

The lights started to dim right after they took their seats. Bokuto pulled out his phone and put it on do not disturb during the end of the previews.                                                                                   

The last preview was about a really badass movie coming out soon called suicide squad. 'I've got to see that.' Akaashi thought.

30 minutes into the movie and people were already dying of laughter, including Bokuto. He chuckled like an idiot while Akaashi struggled to keep it in. But once he let out a little laugh it made Bokuto immediately turn to him. They turned away from each other.

Bokuto was just about to have a nose bleed, while Akaashi was about to faint of embarrassment.

The movie continued, and Akaashi had a solution. He decided to snack on food the whole time. Good idea right? Your girly laugh won't escape your mouth because your too busy eating right? Is what he thought, but when you're watching a movie with Will Ferrell, you can't help it. After a super hilarious joke, Akaashi practically choked on his popcorn.

"pLAY It cOOl DammIT"he yelled to himself. He opened a pack of skittles as quietly as he could, but, of course, they spilled all over the ground. Colorful little pieces of diabetes were now scattered all over the floor. It was dark, no one could've seen right?

He glanced at Bokuto, who was crying of laughter. Akaashi could only hope it was because of the movie.

When it ended, Bokuto led the way to their next activity. It was fun, but uh, Akaashi would add that to his most embarrassing things he's done list. Had Bokuto noticed everything? Heck yah, but hey, it was flippin adorable. (true story, i try to eat hot tamales [the candy] while watching the new ghostbusters and it spilled EVerywHere.)


They mostly walked in silence. Bokuto's hand in his pockets as he wondered about something he was gonna do later on. What would they be doing next? Taking a stroll on the beach. Romantic ne?

While walking on the kind of empty pier, they stopped and sat down on a bench. They gazed at the dark, wide ocean. The sun was setting and the watercolor version of orange and pink invaded the sky. Wasn't it like this with Kuroo just yesterday? But something was different, very different. The way Bokuto felt about the person right next to him. Akaashi made him nervous, made him happy, he was encouraged to be himself. He wanted to give the world to him, but first he had to tell him how much he liked, no loved him.

"Akaashi-" Bokuto started finally digging up the courage. But he noticed the distressed look on Akaashis face as he looked towards the water.

"Bokuto-San." Akaashi turned to him, serious.

"I need to talk to you."

"ok go on." Bokuto's courage had already began to sink back inside him. Akaashi might as well go first.

"Im not fully sure what happened a couple days ago, but I want to be clear and serious with you. I don't just like you Bokuto-san, I love you. More than anything actually. But I still don't believe you and I share these feelings-"

"You have no idea how much I love you, do you?" Akaashi froze.

"I've been waiting ever since we were little Akaashi. To tell you that you mean the world to me. No, you are my world Keiji. And i'm sorry if I came off too quick and gave a half ass confession before. I can't be taken seriously most of the time, I know. In fact back then you must've thought I was insensitive and didn't take your feelings seriously. But if theres anything I'm serious about, its you Akaashi." Bokuto didn't say any of this as if it were a joking matter. He stared directly at Akaashi, who was on the verge of tears. However, both boys were stunned at what they just admitted.

Akaashi pulled Bokuto to embrace him. His arms wrapped around him tight, not letting go for anything. Bokuto didn't realize it himself, but his eyes were also watery. They stayed locked in each others arms. Not mindful of anything surrounding them.

When they finally pulled back, Akaashi had a wide smile, one that was quite rare. He laughed as tears starting to roll down his face. Bokuto grinned stupidly too, that is until a loud rumbling sound echoed in the air. Was it a thunder storm? Yah, in Bokuto's stomach. This only caused Akaashi to laugh harder as he stood up and held his had down to Bokuto.

"Come on lets go grab something to eat."

"We actually have plans to go to a specific restaurant!"

"Oh really?" he said as Bokuto and Akaashi continued to go somewhere else. They talked and joked around while walking. There hands interlocked, never letting go.


Hmmm im legit crying

next chapter is the last. ;^)


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