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Hey Y'all it's Kieanna Again It's Been 3 years since me and Chris broke up , and come to find it the girl wasn't lying and it's his baby . But Anyway I've Been Doing Good , I Own My Own Salon Yasss Bitchesss I Do Hair And Nails And I'm Making Atleast 7 Racks A Week and Ik Y'all Miss Mya Well Her and Her Husband Marcus Got Married And Had My God Baby Which I Love So Much . Yepp I'm Still Single But Behind That Nail Salon Business I Strip . Yepp I Shake My Ass For Some Cash I Need Money Darling . But Anyway I'm Currently Home Getting Ready To Go To My Salon and Mya Is Calling Me And I Answer .
Phone Convo
Me- Yes Darling
Mya - Girrrlllll Guess Who Here ?
Me- Whoo ?
Mya - Chris And His Girlfriend
Me- Oh Yea I Gotta See This Bye
I Hurry Up And Puts On My Clothes ( in MM ) and I Get in my BMW and I speed to my salon . I know y'all like why you speeding to go see a Nigga you don't like . I wanna stunt on this Nigga and he got fine I'm talking he look like Quincy . Anyways I get there and I see him sitting down inside I guess his lil girlfriend getting her hair done so I walk in and he looks my way , when I say dude eyes almost popped out his head I smiled a little and i walked to him .
Me- Hey Chris Long Time No See
Chris - Wassup , This your place .
I nod and he smiles
Me- Alright I should get to work
I walk away and I can feel him staring at my ass and I go to my station and sits in my chair . Ohhh lord I don't have a appointment until 1 I said . Chy your lil dude came by here looking for you Chantel said and everybody start laughing . Y'all Gon leave him alone I said and Mya walks to me and whispers in my ear . Can you do Chris girlfriend hair nobody wants to do it . I look at her , yes I'll do it I said.
Chris POV
Wassup Y'all I'm back , and I'm at the salon with my girl , when this thick , long hair lady walk in and looks my way , and it's Kieanna, yo she bad as hell , I'm talking K.Michelle Booty thick . I'll do anything to have that back but I fucked up so bad and got Brielle pregnant with my baby girl . But after she came and talked to me and she walked y'all know I had to look at that ass . I gotta talk her again but one of my boys said she works at the strip club I guess I'll talk to her then oh shit I forgot to tell y'all what I do . I'm a pro football player it's my first year and Kieanna would make a good person on my arms . I look down at my phone and I get a text from Mya . Yea we still friends and yes she wants me to get back together with her .
Mya - Ima let Kieanna do your girlfriends hair and tomorrow when you bring Shay Kieanna can do her hair . I really want y'all back together .
Me - Alright
I look up and I just stare at her she so fine Bruh , after my girl goes to the back to get her nails done I get up and walks to Kieanna and everybody staring . Kieanna can I talk to you outside I said . She nods and we walk out and she sits on this nice ass BMW , this yours I said . Yea this my baby she said . Look Kieanna I'm not finna sugarcoat nothing but i miss you so bad , I wanna be back with you , you meant the world to me , I never knew I'll fall this hard for you and these past few years I couldn't stop thinking about you , Ik you probably like this nigga better get out my face but look let me take you out tomorrow.
Kieanna POV
I looked at him like did this nigga just ask to take me out tomorrow . Look Chris I Still Have Feelings For You , But You Fucked Up So Bad And After I Left The Hospital You Didn't Bother To Come See If I Was Okay , But After A Year Of Waiting I Was Like Fuck You , You Got A Girlfriend And A Baby , That's Suppose To Be Me Cheering You On , Having Your First Child , Being Spoiled By You . As I was talking I felt tears coming out my eyes . You never knew how it felt losing that one person you been through hell and back with . I look at your Instagram everyday and I see you , your girlfriend and baby smiling and you guys look very happy so too answer your question no you can't take me out tomorrow you taking me out tonight . After I said that I wiped my eyes and went back inside and everybody ran back to their chairs from the window and I laugh .
Chris POV
After Kieanna Said I Was Taking Her Out Tonight , And when she started crying I wanted to hold and kiss her so bad . She's right we've been through everything together and after she left the hospital. Brielle stayed with me and she held me down and when she had Shay I didn't wanna leave her and she's been a really good person . But Kieanna is the person I love and don't wanna lose so yea I taking her out tonight . So after Brielle comes out we get in my all white Lambo , I speed to my house and we get out and goes inside and shay runs to me . Daddy she says . I pick her up and tickles her, How was daycare I said smiling . I put her down , it was fun daddy she says and she runs to her mom and I go upstairs to my room and I see the ring I gave Kieanna in my jewelry box and I pick it up and puts it in my pocket .
Kieanna POV
After my 1 o'clock appt , I'm sitting in my chair and X walks in and everybody starting Awwing . I laugh and he walks to me and kisses my forehead. Before y'all say anything we are not together he's just somebody that I like . He picks me up and sits in my chair and puts me on his lap and my phone vibrates and it's a message from Chris .

( This Is X )

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( This Is X )

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2017 ⏰

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