1. "No more touchy touchy here bro"

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"So. The assignment is for each one of you to write an essay about one specific place in the ocean and how it is coping with the overfertilization that humans are causing. The essay must be at least 20 pages and you will have 14 days to finish the assignment. Good luck everybody, have a good weekend! Oh - don't forget to refer to whichever sources you're using, or it will be failed!"

I shut my computer and put it down in my bag before the professor had said his last words. I was so excited to go home and start writing this, it was a subject that I was very passionate about since I love the sea and everything within it. I was born and raised in cold Sweden, and every winter (when it's dark like 20 hours each day) we always traveled to either Australia or Thailand, and that's were I found my love for diving and all things that had with the ocean to do. When I was twelve, the same year I got my divers license I decided that I wanted to become an marine biologist and hey, here I am, in the university of Miami, after years of working my ass off to be able to pay for this school. But it's worth every penny, let me tell ya.

I picked up my phone from my bag and quickly called Lisa, my also Swedish friend

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I picked up my phone from my bag and quickly called Lisa, my also Swedish friend. We have been inseparable since birth since we shared the same dream (and also since we are fucking awesome) and we started from the bottom now we're here. (Peace.)

"We're going out tonight, right? Should we bring some others?" I asked directly in swedish  as she answered, not even saying hi. Because yeah, that's how we work. Polite? We never are. She answered,
"Yeah sure are you bringing Jessica? Only girls! Let's have a girls night out!" I smiled at the idea as I walked out from the university doors, out into the hot air of Miami. This city never seemed to stop amaze me. Ever since I came here it just feels so unreal that I, from a small town in Sweden, lives here, in this amazing place.
"Yeah, that sound like so much fun! Can't we go tho that bar, what is it called, r-"
"Rose!? Yeah!! Let's do it, I'm so ready to get wasted girl you have no idea!" She squealed into the phone, almost making me wince but I held it. We decided to meet in my apartment that I rented at 9pm and after that we would take the bus to the bar since none of us had cars. The hard life of a student, am I right?

I stepped into my apartment. It was very small but very pretty. My parents actually paid for the rent, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to come here. It is very modern and it contains my bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room, just enough for me. It's also almost in the center of the city (take the bus for 10 minutes and you're basically at the beach) and I loved it.

I opened my small closet that held way too much clothes for its size and I knew exactly what I was gonna wear. I pulled out my new favorite black and white party dress. It was brand new and as I let my fingers travel over the soft material I tried not to think of how much I paid for it earlier, since it was too much for me to feel comfortable with. I slowly put it back in my closet as I checked the clock. Lisa, Jessica, Bella and Eleanor should be here in two hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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