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As she sits there
Dreaming of him
Dreaming of her true love
Of how one day
She will be in his arms
When she will finally be happy
As she sits there
She dreams about Superman

Every day, she thinks of who it could be
Always keeping her eyes open
For when he will come
For when he will pick her up in his arms

But, with all of her waiting
He never came

Because the Superman she's waiting for... isn't on Earth
It's not who she thinks it is

Her Superman is in Heaven
Her Superman is also waiting
Waiting for the day he can come back
And bring her to Heaven with him

Her Superman is who was always there with her.
Who always loved her.
Her Superman always forgave her
Always will love her..

For her Superman who will come to pick her up in his arms....

Is Jesus Christ

Waiting For SupermanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin