Forever and Always

Start from the beginning

• Madam Pomfrey gives her 6 blood renovating potions but the magic is fighting it, leaving Hermione in a coma-like state.

• Draco can still enter Hermione's head so at night he escaped into her imagination, it is there where she tells him to "do it the muggle way" at first he is confused and doesn't understand what she means but finally knows what she is talking about

• Draco runs to the Hospital Wing demanding for a blood transfusion. The magic in her body is refusing a magic helper so maybe they need to try it the muggle way.

• Both Draco and Severus are not a match to Hermione's blood type, O- (O negative) so Severus calls in favours from Lucius and Bellatrix and asks them if they know their blood type they say no but are willing to find out for the sake of their Goddaughter.

• It turns out Bellatrix is not a match but Lucius is. He gets the transfusion done quickly and goes in the few days giving his blood to Hermione.

• Hermione wakes up a week after the last transfusion, much to everyone's delight. But she wakes up on December 30th - her mothers birthday (I am aware that this is not Lily's birthday but it makes the story better so just go with it.) Because I forgot to mention earlier that this whole fiasco happened on the last day of term and throughout the Christmas holidays. And not once did Draco or Severus leave her side (besides to pee and ish like that but otherwise remained beside her at all times.

• Later on after everyone's left she is lying awake talking to Draco through their bond.
H- Hey.
D- Hello, love. What are you doing up?
H- Couldn't sleep. What about you?
D- Been thinking about stuff.
H- What stuff?
D- You. Me. Us.
H- Oh. And what were you thinking about.
D- How it felt thinking I was going to lose you. Because salazar's sake it hurt like hell.
H- Wow, um I'm not sure what to say.
D- Well don't speak. Just answer me this. Please.
H- Okay.
D- Hermione, would you do me the honour of becoming my girlfriend? Because I need you more than I'd like to admit and seeing you almost drained of life scared the shit out of me. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out. God I can't even explain it.
H- Yes. I would love to become your girlfriend, Draco Malfoy. It'd be my pleasure!
D- Seriously?! Yes!! What a relief I have been wanting to ask you that for a while now.
H- Really?
D- Yeah, now get some sleep love and I'll see you tomorrow.
H- You promise?
D- I promise

• She then accepts her powers and becomes stronger because of it.

• On December 31st Hermione and Draco have a proper heart-to-heart and end up making out on the couch really intensely and start the new year off with a bang if you know what I mean #smutty😉 (in the room of requirement)

• On January 30th Hermione discovers her period late. Whoops?? So she goes to Bellatrix about this and her godmother gives her a spell to use. If you feel a slight tingling then you're pregnant if not you're cool- it was a false alarm. So, much to Hermione's dismay/fear, she feels a tingling sensation running up her still flat stomach. She was fucked.

• Obviously she runs and tells Aunt bella about this and she; freaks out, cries hysterically, thinks about it real hard, then...smiles but she still needed to tell Draco and her father. She was truly and utterly fucked.

• Draco could sense something was wrong from the minute she returned from Bella's house. They were in charms so he didn't expect her to talk but she was eerily quiet, distant, she had a clouded look in her eye like she was off in some other world. So he tried to go and speak to her in her mind. But he couldn't? How- he thought? He just stared at her through the entire lesson trying to break through the wall blocking him from her mind.

• Hermione just stared at her hands the entire lesson, she could feel his eyes on her but refused to meet them. Would he be disappointed? Would he leave her? Could she do it by herself? Yes but it would be the hardest thing she could ever do. How will she tell him? She felt sick. The bell rang and she was out the door faster than you could say flobberworms. She reached the toilet in her room just in time to empty her stomachs contents into the bowl. Great. Just great.

• Luckily for Draco if was their last lesson of the day so he made his way to his and Hermione's room when he heard retching coming from the bathroom. Being the protective person he was he ran to her. He held her hair back and rubbed soothing circles on her back.

• Hermione hardly noticed his presence until she felt her hair being lifted and back being rubbed. She stopped vomiting and let her cheek rest on the pan drawing in a few breaths before standing up putting the seat down and flushing the toilet. She lifted her eyes to meet the stormy grey ones she'd come to love- wait what
"Hermione, what's wrong?" Draco asked. She just sighed and felt the tears welling up. He clearly saw that because he grabbed her hands and pulled her off the seat and hugged her. She let the tears fall freely - there was no hiding it. She was pregnant.
"I'm late. 2 weeks. I'm late." She whispered, but she knew he could hear her. His body went stiff and ridged, and she just grabbed onto his robes and sobbed into his chest
"Have you confirmed the possibility?" He asked still stiff but manage to put a hand on her head, stroking her hair
"Yes. I'm p-pregnant." She cried.

• A few months later the young couple were better than ever. It was now July so they had finished their schooling and passed every test with flying colours. Draco had been so supportive and everything, been there for Hermione and helped her move around because she was really big even for being 7 months along. They wanted to wait to find out what they're having quite late hence the 7 month scan, but  they had chosen out a few boy and girl names. Because until now they don't know the sex of their baby.
"Everything's fine," the healer smiled "Little healthy babies you've got in there Ms. Granger."
"Babies?" Draco asked.
"Didn't you know? You're having twins! I assume you're wanting to know the sexes?"
Hermione's eyes bulged and Draco's mouth dropped. Twins. Wow, were they unprepared. But they both managed to nod to answer the healer.
"Okay lemme see. This one here is definitely a girl and the other one is...also a girl. Congratulations Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy. I'll just go print these off for you." The nurse said then left
"Twins." Hermione whispered after a long silence.

• On September 16th 1999 Hermione Granger went through the worst pain she'd ever felt. Labour. With twins. Merlin save her. It honestly felt like the magic ripping her apart again. But at least she knew the outcome would be perfect. So when at 11:50am the first of the Malfoy twins were born, she didn't think life could get any better. She looked her baby girl and felt a flood of feelings wash over her body. Love. Pride. Fear. Then the second one came along at 12:10pm those emotions only doubled. Her daughters had their umbilical cords cut by their daddy. Who was now looking at his girls like he was a homeless man and had just won the lottery. He couldn't put into words how he was feeling, and how he knew Hermione felt because they had been given the greatest gift anyone could give them. Their daughters. Cassiopeia Narcissa Malfoy and Cordelia Andromeda Malfoy. The only things they'll ever love more than each other.

The End.

Much Love
forever and always
C.N.M & C.A.M
(maybe you've figured out what the initials stand for if you have, well done)

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