Anger on The Hogwarts Express

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Rosie was marveled my what she saw on the other side of the brick wall wizards and witches were everywhere. She had never been in any place like this.

"Move Rosie, everyone else has to get through." Harry said as he pulled Rosie over. Several of the red-headed wizards came through the wall. Harry pointed to the short lady who helped Rosie. "That's Mrs. Weasley. She's Ron's mum." Ron, who had recently made his way through the wall, walked over to Harry and Rosie.

"Whose this?" He asked, pointing to Rosie.

"She's just my sister." Harry answered. "I'm trying to show her everyone right now so when the train comes I don't have to."

"Oh, I'll help." Ron pointed to two people who looked exactly the same. "That's Fred and George. They're twins." He pointed to two girls talking. One had a slightly lighter shade of red hair then the other. "That's Ginny on the right, she's my little sister, and that's Hermione on the left. She's our friend."

"And you're Ron?" Rosie asked.


"I hear quite a bit about you. Like how tall your house is, and how many brothers you have, and how your sister was attacked by the same man who killed our parents, and how you have a rat named scabbers, and-"

"That's enough Rosie." Harry stopped her. "The train is leaving soon. Thank Mrs. Wesley and get on."

"Alright." Rosie walked over to Mrs. Weasley. "Thank you so much for helping me onto the platform!"

"It was my pleasure dear! See you at the end of the year! Have a lovely time!" Mrs Weasley gave Rosie a big hug before Rosie got on the train with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

They walked along the hallways of the train before they say down in a compartment. Harry sat next to Ron, so Rosie sat next to Hermione.

"Hello, you're Hermione, right?" Rosie asked.

"Yes." She smiled. "You must be Rosie. I've heard so little of you!"

"Oh, really?" Rosie looked at Harry, obviously hurt.

"Well, I figured why talk about you. They'll meet you soon anyways." He said. Rosie seemed alright with the response, because she continued to talk with the gang.

"I'm so exited to get sorted! I just know I'll get Gryffindor, everyone else in my family was one! And I can't wait to meet all the professors! I wonder which one will be my favorite?" After half an hour of Rosie's rambling, Harry finally stopped her.

"That's it, go." He instructed.

"What?" Rosie was very confused.

"Rose Lily Potter, all you've been doing is talking this entire time. Since you won't stop, you have to go."

"This is so like you Harry! When Hagrid took you away two years ago, I thought this was going to bring us closer. That we would spend our summers and Christmas's talking about everything you're learning, and that you'd write to me every day. But you know what actually happened? You left. You never wrote. You didn't come home for Christmas. Durning Summer you barely spoke to me. All I wanted was to be close with you like we were before Hagrid came to take you away. I thought that if I went to Hogwarts too you'd like me again! I couldn't have been more wrong. First you blow up Aunt Marge, then you leave without me! And when we finally see each other again, you could care less!"

"Rose, you're over-reacting."

"Am I? You've been nothing but mean to me since I got here. If you want me to leave that badly, then I will." Rosie grabbed her trunk and stormed out, without waiting to hear what Harry had to say.



Hello everyone! I cast wait for the next chapter! I'm going to be introducing some new characters, who I absolutely love!

I'll be posting multiple chapters today because I'm in car for 5 hours, and most of the time were in no service areas. So, when we get service, I'll upload a new chapter from what I've been writing in my notes!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and tell a friend or two who would like this story/give great feedback! Don't forget to give me any suggestions you have!


Reader of the Chapter

A big thanks to aparham for being my first reader. I know Ashley irl and she is so sweet and supportive, and does great girl meets world fan fiction! Everyone go follow her and check out her works!

You you all!

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