Chapter 2 - I Wish You Would

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All over the news there were stories and rumors of how Taylor and Adam had broke up. There were stories of the two having a calm break up (which is what it was), and there were ones of them having a huge argument and throwing household objects across the room at each other, like in the Blank Space music video. After Adam confirmed their split on Twitter, even though it was in a civilized fashion and in a way that told people they were still friends, people also began captioning all their photos and online edits with Blank Space quotes (which Taylor knew was going to happen, but she honestly didn't care.)

Adam and Taylor had officially announced their parting only twenty-four hours ago, and every one of her Swifties was either having a mental breakdown, or saying that Haylor was going to rise again. She saw that one was coming too. Some Swifties couldn't seem to get over her and Harry Styles being together, but she had been for quite a while. It sort of irked her how even though she had made it completely clear that she was over Harry, her fans thought it would be better if they got back together. "Aren't fans supposed to be there to support you through everything?" she asked herself, "Because they don't seem to be doing that." Now that Taylor was older and more mature than she used to be, she could usually see things coming from miles away, (metaphorically, she actually had terrible eyesight), and this wasn't any different. Normally when Taylor had just gotten out of a relationship, she would write a break up song about it to help her let go of that individual and to release the feelings she had towards them. She had done that with almost every single one of her break ups. This one with Adam was somehow different though. She didn't know how to make it out. She knew eventually the words would come to her, they always did, but not as soon as they usually did. Usually after ending a relationship, she would stop talking to that person completely, but Taylor had decided on staying friends with Adam. Although she had decided on staying in touch, she knew she would never get back together with him no matter what. Sure, there were times when she questioned her decision and thought maybe she still loved him, just maybe. Her inner emotions felt that way sometimes still, but her outer emotions managed to push the mixed thoughts away. Adam still loved Taylor though, and by the way it had been looking, she was afraid he'd never get over her. She was over him though, or at least she usually was. He would sometimes send her flirty texts using her lyrics to make it all cutesy. During the relationship that was absolutely adorable, but now it had become kind of annoying. Taylor usually ignored the messages, but every once in a while she would send something like, "'I Wish You Would' leave me alone, Adam," and then he wouldn't respond for several days after that.

Taylor had a whole month to plan all this out. She had planned on being single for a while so she would have some time to clear Adam out of her mind. She thought, "This is my break, I need to spend it with my family. A boy is there for just one strum on the guitar of life, but family is there for the entire song. That's how she chose to look at life, as if it were a guitar. Sometimes someone came along and picked at one string and left, and sometimes someone might strum a chord or two. There were many times when that happened to Taylor, and even more times when someone broke a string, or made a scratch or dent. Luckily, friends and family would come to help. She thought of them as the guitarists. The ones that would fix your strings and dents and scratches no matter what it would take. The true guitarists don't just strum one chord or pluck one string and walk away. They stay for the entire song. The guitarists are the ones who support you through everything, even when you're wrong, the one's who bring you ice cream when you're having a rough day, the ones that call you "just cuz," and the ones that never stop caring. This outlook was the reason Taylor used to hold up her guitar after each song at her concerts, because she was the guitarist, and she knew she needed to give her guitar the credit it deserved. Even though it was just a metaphorical thing, she felt like she could do it in reality too because why not?

Adam was there for a strum, and now he was gone. Taylor was afraid that after they announced the break up, she might feel a bit heart broken, but during that month of thought, something magical happened. When she went to the Met Gala, she was introduced to Tom Hiddleston. She had heard of him, obviously, but she had never met him until then. He was charming, funny, sweet, intelligent, and his dance moves were just as great as he was. She thought about asking him out right then, but she didn't know if that was technically "cheating" or not, which is something she would never even think of doing. She made up her mind that she would be friends with him until a little after she and Adam announced their break up. That night before she left she asked him for his number so they could stay in touch, and just like that, a new relationship began to blossom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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