Darkness Never Ends

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They came without warning, the creatures of the night. They blend with the shadows and snatch the innocent. Knocked over by the stampeding crowd, I brushed the dust out of my eyes to find my parents. What I saw was something I had never hoped to see. My Father had his arms outstreched holing onto my Mother who was being pulled away by one of them things. Out od the alley, a creature pounced, wrapping it's hands around my Father, bringing him to the ground. It was as if the world had slowed down as I watched my parents being taken down and dragged away. The shadows concealed over them and in a blink, they were no more. 

My hands trembeled to find firm ground but people kept stamping on them. Retracting my hands towards my body, I curled up on the dusty floor, whispering prayers for this to be over. Darkness fell over me as a passed out. 

A sharp pain raced from temple to temple as my heavy eyelids lifted, a coat of dust ftuttered up into the air. Analysing my body, it felt like everything was stone. My hand slowly reached up toward my head, dust just kept falling off. Placing my palm on my cheek, I stabilised my head and slowly acended from the floor. I let out a cough which too was mainly dust. Looking around I just saw a veil of mist cover everything. AS I began to get up, it felt like my legs were made out of cement. Using my arms as boosts I eventually erected myself. I looked at my hands and saw they were covered with scares and weird markings. "W-what the hell?" Suddenly my mind filled with flash backs of people screaming and my parents being dragged away. 

"Shit" Realizing those creatures could still be here I decided to move ever so slowly around the place in hope of finding shelter while all the time I was thinking Why did they leave me? 

It seemed like hours of walking through endless, repeating waves of mist before I remembered my phone was still in my pocket. My scarred hands traced my jeans to find the pocket. Finally finding it, I slipped my hand inside and grabbed the device. Clicking the power button it flashed at my, temporarily blinding me. My eyes ajusteted to the light and I read the time "18:45". Unlocking the phone I searched for the calendar to check the date. I froze up as my eyes traced along the digital letters and number. "12th May, 2014? I've been out for 6 months?". I began wondering aroung the seemingly empty world when suddenly my eyes fixed onto something in the distance. A tall, dark figure just standing there. Cautiously I yelled out "Hello?" The figure began to fade away "No! Wait!" I yelled. Then, like a virus, dark tendrils began slowly infesting the mist, infecting it with darkness. Flashbacks of the creatures rushed through my head as my heart rate began to rise, I began running back but everywhere I went, darkness just infected the area. Noises bagan to surround me, endless screaming and footsteps. This was it, I knew it. As I closed my eyes to embrace the end I felt something grab my arm, my eyes sharply looked down and I saw a human arm reaching from the shadows! 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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