8 1 1

'Mate' he said again. Lilly just stood there not knowing what to do. I was to busy checking him out.

'MATE!!' I shout wanting her to just get up and kiss him forever. But still Lilly sat there. So being as controlling as I am I took over. He stared at us lustfully as I swayed our hips as I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck going on tip toe to just attack his face with my lips, in a matter of seconds I felt his Wolf take over and it was just a major make out session.

"Umm, yeah I'm still here" Luke said awkwardly from behind me. Instantly Lilly took back over and stepped away from our mate causing me to whine.

'I can't believe you just did that!' She growls

'Sorry, habit'

'There's no habit in that, we've never met him before!' She hisses.

"Sorry, my, Erm Wolf, Erm, took over" Lilly says not actually sure what to say to our mate.

"It's fine, besides I enjoyed it" he says smirking lightly at us. Lilly just blushed like crazy.

'Omg he's so fricken perfect' I howl in excitement

"Jordan, what are you doing. Alpha said no one can see her" Luke says going to grab Lily's arm but our mate stands in front of us growling at Luke.

'Oooh, controlling. Hot'

"She's my mate I had to come get her! And don't touch my mate" he growls loudly.

"Wait don't I get a say?" Lilly asked.

'Gosh please please please don't reject him!' I plead her.

"You, you don't want me?" He asks as all of the happiness leaves him.

'Mate is sad, make mate feel better!' I growl at Lilly.

'Shut up'

"No I never said that, it's just, I thought, you wouldn't want me" Lilly said just above a whisper.

"I thought I SAID NO ONE IS TO GO NEAR THE GIRL TILL I'M DONE!" A voice booms from behind us. Luke and our mate bow their heads so Lilly makes us do the same.

"All do respect alpha, but she's my mate" Jordan said to his alpha. Their alpha's face softened up and his frown turns into a wide smile.

"Congrats Jordo, what's her name man" he says bro hugging our mate.

'Wait what just happened?'

"Thanks Sam, her name's......" Jordan looks at us confused causing Lilly to look away.

"My names Lilly" she mumbles. Alpha Sam puts his hand out to us and Lilly gladly takes and shakes his hand.

Lilly's POV
I shook alpha Sam's hand but every now and then look at Jordan. I can't believe we found our mate.

"Well Lilly, it was nice to meet you, and I'm happy for you and Jordo but I have to attend some alpha business. I will see you at dinner" Sam says with a smile. He nods at everyone before walking out the door with Luke very close behind him. It's just me and Jordan now.

"Hi" he says from behind me. I turn around and look him in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Hey" I said trying to hide my face.

"So would you like me to show you around?" He asks with a smile. I just nod my head slowly and he loses his smirk a bit.

"So do you want to stay with me or just stay here?" He's obviously trying to get to know me and ask that cheesy stuff, but everything that's going on, I don't think I'm ready for a mate.

"What ever you want" I whisper

"But... No, it's okay if you don't"

"I an find any where" I say just above a whisper this time. He sighs loudly and I jump away.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't make you mad again, just, please, don't hit me" I say covering my face beginning to cry. This is just like Green Water.

"What? Why would I hit you?"

"Because I made you mad. Oh gosh I shouldn't be taking. Please I'll do anything you want!" I cry loudly know what's about to come. He starts to walk up to me and I cry more. He wraps me in his arms hugging me tightly.

'Not what you thought was it' my Wolf snickers

"I promise, I will never hurt you on purpose" he kisses my forehead before hugging me again. He picks me up bridal style. I just lay my head on his chest feeling safe in his touch. He carries me up stairs passing 5 doors before stopping at a door with a gold number 6 on it. He opens the door and carries me to the large bed in the middle of the room pushed up against the wall. He pulls back the covers and lays us down. Once we are both in the bed with the lights out I feel him reach out for my waist but then moves his hand back. I feel the sadness of him not being able to hug me and to be honest I dont like the space between us either. I scootch over to the left so my back is against his side. Straight away his arms are around me and I feel 100% better.

"Mmmm, I like this" he humms. I nod my head in agreement.

"Yeah, it's nicer than on the floor alone" I whisper. Jordan's grip on my waist tightens a bit and I hear a small growl. I tense up and then my vision begins to go blurry.

"Oh no, Lilly, I'm not mad at you.I promise" I just nod my head.

"Try to get some sleep sweetheart" he says kissing my temple before putting his head in the crook of my neck.

"Good night beautiful" he whispers.

"Good night Jordan" I whisper back. I roll over so I'm facing his chest. I begin to draw circles and he starts humming Wayward Son by Kansas, I start humming along before singing;

"Don't you cry no more" Jordan kisses my temple again before I drift off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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