Chapter 12. Happy Birthday Emma

Start from the beginning

"I hate you." I said pulling away from him "Seriously, how can you always say the right thing?"

He smiled "It's a gift."

I gave him a small smile. "Where's the guy that didn't want anything to do with me, huh?"

"You know I never really meant that."

"I do. Thank you, for saying the right thing."

"I'm always here when you need me Em. Don't forget that." He reminded me rubbing my arm.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair "I'm such a mess."

"I'm a mess too. Everyone's a mess." He said in a poetic way with a small calming smile "Now quit being a little brat and get up."

"I don't want to face the world, you can leave if you want to." I mumbled being stubborn.

"Emma, everyone is looking for you, your bestfriend, your boyfriend." He said, his tone getting irritated "Damn it, get up now."

"Nate." I whined

"No." He said sternly. "Lucas has made reservations for all of us at the bar they're performing. Let's get you fed and ready and we'll go together."

I sighed giving up "Fine."

Nate got up and helped me up as well. He got his phone out of his pocket.

"I've got her."

I gave him a look. What the fuck am I? A package?

"Just let Lucas know that she's okay and we'll meet you at the bar at 9." He paused listening to who ever he was talking to. "Demi, she's fine... We'll see you later, bye." He said before hanging up. He turned to me "Let's get going."


"Don't disappear on me like that" Demi said while her hands were tightly wrapped around me a few hours later.

I hugged her back "I'm sorry. I just..."

She cut me off "I know, just...come and find me next time, okay?"

"I'm sorry. I will." I said pulling away.

She pulled me back and whispered in my ear "Maybe you should explain yourself to Lucas a little bit. He's coming over."

I pulled away and sighed.

Lucas was standing in front of me in seconds.

I threw myself on him kissing him before he could say a word. I obviously caught him off guard and it took him a couple of seconds to start kissing me back.

His hands went on my waist. I pulled away after a few seconds "I'm sorry." I mumbled against his lips.

He sighed "Are you okay?"

"I am. I just needed some time alone. I get like that sometimes."

He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and gave me a small smile. "I'm just glad that you're okay. But I want you to know that you can talk to me about anything."

I nodded "Thank you."

"So I better get back to the band and I'll give you your present later, alright?" He said pecking my lips.

I smiled "Alright."

"Alright baby, I think you've had enough of this." Lucas said taking my glass away from me not more than an hour after their performance had stopped.

"Nope." I giggled. "I'm not even drunk. You all dragged me here and you have to let me have fun at least."

I grabbed Demi making her stand up from her chair "Come on Dem, don't be a party pooper. Dance with me." I said and grabbed my glass again.

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