Chapter 2: Snow White - life as royalty

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Hi I'm Snow White and  I'm  a princess . I always thought I would like being 10 years old , finally double digits . But how was I to know the horrors that would happen to me , turning 10. On my birthday , when I was suppose to have a party for all the kingdom , my mom unexpected got ill and passed away. I feel that part of me died with her . My only connection to her is our servant . She's Such a wonderful lady , respected by all , especially mom. Her name is . So while everyone thinks my life as a little girl is a magical fairytale , it's full of pain . Every little girl needs and deserves their mother .

My father , the king is very loving and we have a wonderful connection . It amazes me how he can rule the kingdom ,  be the best father I could ask for , and push Aside his pains he suffers  for my mom. We do talk about her often.  in private, in public to the kingdom we are always talking about the queen . Probably because my dad says I remind him of her so much . By my looks , how act . He always says "you are your mother and like her you truly are the fairest of them all".  However my father would explain that he didn't want me to think that had anything to do with my looks , it was about the inside , the person I have become . It wasn't all about my appearance .

So my father and I continued to love each other , grieve , and share a very strong bond as father and daughter . He always expressed that we wanted to find me a  new mother , but that just hasn't worked out . He hasn't chosen or seen a women he could find fitting to join our now small family . I also grew and blossomed a wonderful friendship with servant . She knew mom so well . After all , they were best friends . She would tell me stories about her , share things with me. She tells me we are now best friends  my mom left her me . And  I couldn't be happier to fulfill that friendship  for mom .

I did have a good life , and I guess  I did enjoy my life. . But there was something missing . There was this big hole in me that just couldn't be filled . I was still lonely  with only 2 people  in my life . I could use someone , someone special (but can never be special enough ) to fill this void that left me empty and went away with mom . 

Oh how often I look out that window in my huge bedroom across from my bed .  I would look up to that great blue sky full of such beauty and wonder . And I always whisper "mom I miss you ". Sometimes I just look up their with much sadden and wait to see if I will cry or not .

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