Chapter 19: A Failed Plan

Start from the beginning

"I- all right Harry go grab the cloak," said Hermione.

"We'll meet you in the end of Umbridges hallway," I said.

Harry was back minutes after he left.

"Got it, ready then?" He said as he got in our tiny circle with us.

"Alright you guys all go and start tipping people off and away, Ron find Umbridge, we have to wait till the coast is clear," Hermione said and with that the other three left and we got under the cloak. I squeezed Harry's hand tightly and smiled slightly. I was also extremely nervous about Sirius.

"Harry, are you sure you're okay you still look pale," said Hermione as she turned towards us.

"I'm fine," said Harry.

"Are you?" Asked Hermione towards me.

"Perfect," I said though it was a lie. I was still shaking slightly and my heart was beating out of my chest from nerves.

We heard Ginny convincing some people about the gas. We moved past Ginny and Hermione whispered.

"Good one... Don't forget the signal," and we walked on.

"What's the signal?" Asked Harry.

"A loud chorus of Weasley is Our King," said Hermione.

Harry put Sirius's knife in the crack of the door and it cracked open. We walked inside and saw Umbridges office. The creepy kittens on plates all watched us enter. Harry pulled the cloak off of all of us.

" I'll stay by the door you guys talk to Sirius- if he's there," said Hermione obviously seeing Harry's rage between the gap of words.

"Harry get it set up," I said as I looked around the window.

Harry got floo powder put it in the fire and as emerald green flames shot up he shoved his head into the fire and shouted "number twelve Grimmuland place,"

"No ones here," said Harry.

"Where's Sirius Kreacher?" Said Harry madly.

"Where's he gone? Where is he?" Harry yelled. I stuck my head into the fire and looked at the house elf. He looked very happy.

Kreacher was laughing.

"I'm warning you Kreacher! What about madeye? Lupin? Anyone?" Bellowed Harry. I was panicking now as I watched Kreacher we were running out of time.

"No one here except Kreacher," said the elf with a happy laugh.

"Where is he?" I said angrily as the elf walked away from us.

"Master does not tell poor Kreacher where he goes," the elf.

"But you know!" Screamed Harry.

"Master will not come back from the Department of Mysteries," said Kreacher laughing.

The elf ran away.

Harry was about to scream and I could tell but then I felt something pull me back from the fire. I looked back and saw Umbridge staring down at Harry and myself as she dragged us from the fire.

Eliza Potter: Harry Potters SisterWhere stories live. Discover now