Chapter 2

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After reading the email, Camila couldn't help but sulk on the situations she's gotten herself stuck in over time.

First it's her family, and how she's the pregnant teen runaway. Next was giving birth to her beautiful daughter, then hiding out for five more years while nearly losing everything by living in one of the most dangerous cities in America.

Living every week paycheck to paycheck, she could barely afford her small living space, pay any bills, or even feed her daughter without the help of her 16 year old neighbor. When Shawn came into the picture, things got better for a little while, but she figured she was just desperate for some form of love again... Which is why she ended things. Now the man wants her family to leave with him and his son to somewhere new and safer.

It sounds like the easiest decision, so why not right? Camila couldn't even understand it herself, but the only thing she could come up with was the idea of Brooke thinking Shawn and Ben were now going to become part of the family. That was something she couldn't bare to even deal with the moment comes.

"Mommy?" The innocent voice on the other side of the door called out. Camila looked to the small clock on the microwave that read 2:15... Two hours of sulking went by with the snap of a finger.

"Hi baby!" Camila put on her happy face at the sight of her daughter in front of the now open door, with Shawn and little Ben right behind her.

"You ready to go?" Shawn smiled as Camila nodded in response, quickly turning back to grab her purse and following them down to the teachers car.

About ten minutes into the drive to the city of Bellmore, the two kids in the back were laughing and coloring some books together as Shawn finally built up the courage to start an actual conversation with the woman next to him.

"I'm sorry," He sighed out nervously.

"For what?" Camila raised a curious eyebrow.

"I know asking you to move with me probably wasn't the best move.. But I just want what's best for you and Brooke. I figured that if Ben and I could get out of there... You guys could too." Shawn didn't take his eyes off of the road, but instead, nearly white knuckled the steering wheel with how nervous he was.

"Hey," Camila cooed. "It's okay. I promise. I-I'm actually kind of glad that you asked. I probably would've never thought I could make it out of the Bronx without any help."

Shawn slightly relaxed at the accepted apology, "Well... Bellmore is just a small town. Like the one's you see in the movies. There's a main street with a bunch of small shops and then the homes there aren't much bigger. There's only like 10,000 people in the town and it's small and safe enough were you can ride bikes everywhere."

"A true family community," Camila sighed out at the thought of her own neighborhood.

"Bingo," Shawn responded. The rest of the way was spent listening to the radio or talking to the two small ones in the back seat who ended up arguing about who the best superhero was.

As soon as they arrived in Bellmore, Camila couldn't help but smile. It truly was the cliche small town which instantly made her feel safe. It was somewhere nearly perfect to raise Brooklyn in the most critical points of her childhood, and it wasn't too far from the Hamptons, but still somewhere her parents wouldn't dare to look for her.

"...and that's the bakery," Camila finally tuned back in as Shawn gave her the small mini-tour of the town.

"Wanna go in? One of my friends would love to meet you." He shrugged, "She's really cool. Don't think of it as an interview, because if you're certain you would want to move here, the job is already practically yours."

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