I went to the place where the room of requirement usually showed up and the door to the D.A. Showed up. I walked inside and saw the room exactly as we had left it. There were a few cushions laying on the ground and many shelves of books still. I clapped and the lights turned on. I didn't know what I planned to do in there but I knew something was calling me there. I cleaned the whole room spotless and then left the room. That room deserves to be cleaned and not left in disarray after it allowed us to create the D.A., I went back towards the common room and heard Umbridge call "who's there"

"Answer me," she said I ran towards the tower and hid behind a suite of armor.

"You can't hide forever and I have all night," she said. I stood completely still barely daring to draw a breath.

Eventually she left and I ran inside. It was fine in the common room and I went to bed. I was now much better than I had been before. When I got to my dormitory the rest of the girls were sleeping. I got into my pajamas and went over to the low window. It was open and a cool early spring breeze was blowing through it. I sat up next to it and pulled my knees to my chest. I sat staring out to the Hogwarts grounds for a while like that then went to bed.

The next week was all studying. The fifth years were studying for their O.W.L.S. The next week so I barely saw the trio. Ginny and I were always studying together sometimes Luna would join us. The sun shine tempted us to go outside into the spring air. At one point Ginny, Luna, Hermione, Ron, Harry and myself all went outside and studied under the Willow tree overlooking the lake with the giant squid.

We studied for seven hours and by the time we went inside we only had five minutes to eat dinner. We grabbed foods and ate them quickly, the fifth years all went back to studying in the library and Luna went to study with her friends. I stayed with Ginny and we started to memorize Goblin Rebellion dates and times.

Since I had had the dream about Ellie getting the dark mark I kept itching my left arm to the point where it was red with raw slug and would start bleeding occasionally. Ginny told me to get a potion for it. I left her to study and went to the hospital wing and asked Madame Pomfrey for something that I could put on it. She gave me some burning bitterroot balm to put on to it. It soothed the itching so I kept a small container of it and put it on every hour for two days then it was okay again.

The first O.W.L that Harry, Hermione and Ron had was astronomy at night. It was a Wednesday night they had to fill out star charts. I was in my dormitory studying when I spotted it. A group of a few people were marching across the lawn towards Hagrids cabin. I got up instantly and ran down. The hall towards the entrance of the school. It was open... That couldn't be good. I walked out of it with my wand. I stared as the people marched up to Hagrids cabin they all started trying to stun Hagrid at once.

"No," I whispered quietly as I hid behind a tree closer to his hut.

"Hagrid," I screamed. I heard three other voices screaming to from the astronomy tower. Then from behind me I heard someone coming out of the castle. I looked behind me it was Professor Mcgonagal.

"Miss Potter get back inside-"

"But Hagrid Professor what's happening? What are they doing to him? Who's doing it?"

"Inside Miss Potter I'm taking care of it," she said.

"Please be careful professor," I said as I went back through the entrance to the castle.

I watched as Professor Mcgonagal was hit by four red beams. I started across the lawn and someone ran with me. Hagrid ran across the gates.

"Eliza potter what are you doing here?" Asked Professor Trewlaney.

"We need to get Professor Mcgonagal," I said as I lifted up her arm over my shoulder. So did Trewlaney. We walked her to the entrance of the her limp body to the hospital wing. It was on the third floor and a long heavy walk. Small tears rolled down my cheeks. She was obviously badly hurt. Madame Pomfrey shooed me away and I left as silent tears continued to roll down my cheeks. I walked back to the Gryffindor common room and then sat on the couch. Tears started falling rapidly from my eyes onto the floor. Neville came back first and walked right over to me and hugged me gently. The trio didn't come back right away. Everyone was talking about hat happened during the exams and didn't notice Neville gauging me and me crying. A few people were worried but more were amazed at Mcgonagal.

When the trio finally came back I was calmed a big thanks to Neville and I sat waiting for them.

"Was it you?" Asked Harry concerned.

"What me?" I asked

"The person who ran with Trewlaney to get Mcgonagal?" Asked Hermione sadly.

"Yes," I said.

"Blimey hell Eliza," said Ron. Hermione had silent tears rolling down her cheeks.

"She'll be alright won't she be?" Asked Neville.

"She was out cold when I last saw her then I was rushed away, I don't know what happened," I said.

"Four spells to the chest," said Harry. He was staring at the fire.

"We should go to bed your guys have O.W.L.S. Tomorrow and I have exams. I love you all," I walked away from the four of them and went to bed.

The following morning I had my D.A.T.D.A exam. I did everything perfectly and so did everyone else in the D.A. We all had Harry to thank for that.

I love you! Over 300 reads is just amazing! I'm currently performing my shows this weekend so I don't know how much writing and updating I can do. I love you! Please remember to vote add this to your library and reading lists! Comment any feedback you have. I love you!

Eliza Potter: Harry Potters Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें