Does he really want me?

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        Whelp ...... I'm up and I'm ready. I made some eggs today. I don't usually cook but since I woke up so early I decided to. After I ate, I left out the house. I didn't go to the Café today but I did pass it. And there he was.... Daniel, but there was someone else. A woman standing right next to him. He was smiling so hard at her.
         " I knew it! ", I said aloud talking to myself. Everybody that was on the sidewalk just glanced with their big eyeballs. I looked around so embarrassed. I just kept walking hoping that it wasn't what I thought it was. And as soon as I got to my job
I looked and it was a number that I didn't recognize.
" Hello ", I'm muttered
" Hey, it's me Daniel "
" Oh hey "
How dare that son of a bitch call me
" Are we still on for tonight "
Wtf this dude was just talking to someone else
" Sure, I guess ", I said softly
" Okay, let's go to a Mexican restaurant " he suggested
" Sounds cool "
" Okay, I'll pick you up at 8 beautiful "
*Hangs up*
       " I can't wait to confront him about what I saw ", I thought as I was walking in the doors.
But right now I have to focus on my job.
         *exhales* Well me 8 hours are up.
I guess I should text him and tell him I'm off, I thought. Okay... I will. So I did. 30 minutes after I got home, he showed up. But in those 30 minutes, I did my makeup, put on a dress, and brushed my teeth again. He honked the damn horn and nobody does that to a lady. What in the hell is wrong with him. I went down stairs to open the door. There he was, tall, polo shirt and jeans, muscles all out, and his car oh my gosh... It was a Ferrari. I hurried and locked the door and went to him. He opened the door for me and got back in. We were on our way.
    " So what do you do? ", he asked.
" I'm a real estate agent. ", " What do you do? " I added
"I'm a owner of 3 hotels and 1 car company"
"Wow that's amazing"
"Yeah, it's pretty cool"
We arrived to the restaurant. It was so nice in there. There was a chandelier and nice glass tables. He pulled out the chair for me and then sat down.
"Thank you", I said.
"Anything for my beautiful queen", he said softly.
"Listen, I saw you at the Café talking to some other woman"
"That was just my friend Shelly."
I knew his ass was lying at that point, do I look that damn stupid.
"Mhm okay"
Our food came after an awkward 10 minutes of silence. After we finished eating he kept cracking jokes. I gotta admit, he's funny as hell. We left the restaurant and he drove me back home.
"Are you gonna be alright", he said
"I guess", I muttered
"Maybe I should come in"
      He came in and I poured us both a glass of wine and we watched a movie. Next thing you know, he was slipping his hand down my body. He leaned in and started kissing on me. I laid down and he went down. It was like heaven. He whipped it out and omg it was so big.
"Wait", I said "We need protection" I added
"I have a condom in my pocket"
So I got it and put it on...... He gave me a look and went in. I think I love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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