Chapter Seven: Feelings

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"So I guess you are fitting in then... and how are you doing though, with this new..." He tried to think of a way to put it. "Umm... this new life style?" He finally said.

Naruto took a moment, mulling it over in his head. He guessed he was doing fine. Being a vampire was not as bad as he first thought, even if it was hard in the beginning.

"Its been fine, even if it was a little stressful in the beginning. But, I think I have adjusted well." He took a sip from the glass in front of him.

The blood flowed down his throat nicely leaving his taste buds tingling. It was funny how different blood tasted to him now. As a human it had tasted so tangy and bitter, like licking a penny, but not now. As a vampire it tasted so sweet and divine. It made no sense how it could work out that way but it did.

It was a small blessing in this so called cursed existence. He was sure he would never have been able to drink the stuff if it tasted the way it did before.

Maybe they did something to the blood after they got it, then that led to the question of how they got it.

Seeing it as a completely logical question to ask, Naruto turned to Iruka.

"Hey Iruka?"

Said man turned to him, taking a bite of his green beans in the process.

"Where do they get all the blood?" He held up his glass swishing the liquid inside.

"Here and there... mostly it comes from blood drives specifically for this purpose. Other times its blood taken from corpses." Naruto made a face at that. Had he been drinking dead peoples blood?

"We have to get it where we can since Leben's are no longer aloud to feast on humans themselves."

'Hmm... that law didn't really help me any.' Naruto thought bitterly.

"If that's the case than why can't we just feed off of other vampires." Sasuke who had been ignoring the conversation finally looked up.

"Leben's feeding off other Leben's is not something to be taken lightly." Iruka explained.

"What is it some sort of forbidden practice?" Naruto asked, some what confused.

"No its not that it forbidden... how to explain... umm... lets just say that to share your blood with another Leben is like give your self, heart and soul, over to them. It's the ultimate commitment among our people. Its kinda like marriage for humans, but so much more."

Naruto nodded, his eyes reflexively flashing to Sasuke then back to Iruka.

"After preforming the act, you are forever bond to that person for all eternity. Few ever give themselves over fully anymore... you see when you are reborn you are never promised to be born the same time as your lover or even in the same area. Sometimes you will be tens of years older than your lover or even thousands of miles away without even knowing they are there."

"That's kinda sad, but what if you give up and decide to find someone else?"

Iruka gave him a stern stare and Sasuke mumbled something under his breath.

"If you were to go against the bond and try to bond with another than you will feel a pain that few have ever thought existed. Plus your body only craves for your one and only."

Shocked blue eyes stared at Iruka. Naruto didn't think that something so serious could be the result of being unfaithful.

"But what causes the bond to happen anyways, I mean you are only drinking each others blood."

Blood Stained Lilies ||SasuNaru|| ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon