Dream Becoming Reality

Start from the beginning

-''I wish too but we are in a terrible state, we barely get to eat twice a day and there are hospital bills. Your job is not enough.'' It was not meant to hurt and she had perfect knowledge about our dire needs.

''Yeah I know sister, I will miss you a lot'', she hugged me tightly as if she never wanted to let go and even though there was one whole week left with her, it seemed to apparently make my heart squeeze with worry and fright. ''Can I ask you something?''


''Can I sleep with you tonight?''

-''Sure why not but first help me with my packing.'' Kelly nodded and followed me. We went upstairs and grabbed my clothes, put them in my suitcase and the most important thing, my family picture.

It was the most childish thing possess and the cherished memories could come in the form of the latest technology but knowing that something material and touchable was in my possession calmed me to the extent that only Kelly would understand.

When we finished it, we visited our mother. I wanted to say goodbye to her. When we came back home it was already late so we went to sleep, cuddling with each other. The whole night was a combination of hugs, pillow talks and deep conversations.

As I was sleeping my sister was shaking me, ''Get up or you are going to be late!''

-''Let me sleep five minutes more.''

''But Alex will arrive in a couple of minutes.''

-''Leave me alone or I'm going to kill you!''


I interrupted her. ''Go away!''

''Okay, okay don't kill me.''

The thing I hate the most is when someone tries to wake me up. I'm not a morning person so if you try to wake me up it won't end well.

After five minutes I opened my eyes and stayed like that for another couple of minutes to come back in reality and clear my thoughts. When I was fully awake, I went to shower.

When I came out of the shower the bell was ringing. I dressed up fastest that I could and went downstairs, Alex was waiting for me at the door. I told him to go wait for me in the car, he obeyed me and took my suitcase.

Kelly looked at me ''Sweetheart I am going to miss you a lot!'' she hugged me and started sobbing.

''I will miss you too, Pumpkin,'' I said while holding tears in my eyes, not letting them go down, trying to act strong in front of her. I kissed her on the cheeks and went inside the car.

When we arrived at the airport the old feelings crawled inside me. In front of my eyes all I saw was the picture of my mom's and dad's face. I froze, dark thoughts were captivating my mind. Suddenly Alex called me which made me forget about bad memories and come back to reality.

-''Follow me, I am going to show you our boss and our other co-workers'', he stated. I nodded and followed him.

There were a group of men talking with each other while one of them was in the spotlight, I could sense the strong aura that was coming from him.

-''He is our boss Vincent'' Alex said showing me the man I spotted before.

*''Hello Sara, welcome to our company. I am Vincent Harrison nice to meet you!''

''Hello Mr. Harrison I am so glad that I will be working with you'' after that we did handshake.

''No need for formalities. You can freely call me Vincent.''

''Okay, Vincent.'' I said with awkwardness, I wasn't used at this.

''Oh and these are our co-workers Zack, Brandon and Liam'' Alex explained to me.

''Hello, Sara!'' they said in synchronized voice smiling at me.

''Hello, guys'' I giggled at them, they seemed to me like a bunch of wolves preying a little girl.

''Now, that you know each other let's go!'' Not waiting anymore our boss Vincent said.

We all get in the airplane and sat down in our seats, Alex was partnered with me. On the way to Egypt, remembering the past my hands got sweaty and I started to panic. Alex saw what was happening to me so he grabbed my hand.

-''It's going to be alright, you will get used to it just breathe in and out,'' he said that as he knew everything that happened to me, but deep inside I knew that he didn't know I decided to let it go, I calmed myself down.

Some minutes later after I was calmed down Alex started talking to me about the new archaeological way of finding a tomb, his wicked journeys, and experiences.

He also told me that another group of coworkers was sent to Egypt three weeks ago and that we, the main group is waiting for their news. News about a tomb being discovered, he told me that they were searching ancients pharaohs tomb.

Which the pharaoh and his wife live in the fifth dynasty, somewhere between 2465-2345 BC, this ancient couple were very rich, famous and also good hearted. Pharaoh helped his poor citizens and blessed them with food and money.

But even if they were good and loved by all the people, there was one ancient powerful man that hated him for decades. He was his enemy so-called Artekdor.

Artekdor was high priest at that time so he had everything he wished for, money, fame but he didn't have the throne so he did everything in his power to destroy the Pharaoh.

If he killed him he could rule over Egypt and no one could stop him then. He tried to poison the Pharaoh and his kids but it wasn't successful, Artekdor to fulfill his goal tortured and killed many innocent people.

One day he suddenly disappeared and no one saw him nor heard about him anymore.

I was so interested and willing to find out what happened to Artekdor, he didn't leave my thoughts. How could he do such inhuman things?! He was definitely a psychopath and worse than that.

By the way, I never heard before for him and now all of the sudden he shows up. Hmm, when I will arrive in Egypt I will search for him in the internet and books. I want to discover what happened to him!



I'm sorry guys for updating this late.

Now let me ask you a question.... Was it worth it?

Big thank you to my editor I_am_a_proud_Muslim

Check out her book ''Sickly Sweet''.

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