Fred Weasly- Quidditch Trails

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A/n this imagine is for @Purrplekat

My limbs shook with nervousness as the rain pelted through my robes. The cold was soaking through my skin, into my core and the Gryffindor Quidditch team trials had not even started yet. Each rain droplet that hit my skin, exploded like a tiny watery inferno. I shivered as the captain called our attention.

"Alright, my name is Oliver wood and I am the new team captain," Oliver started to jump up and down, from what I presume is the cold nipping hungrily at his toes. "To start I just want you all to do some simple warm up excerises on your broom's for ten minutes and then we will play a few games to see how you are on your brooms. Let me just say this, if you can fly well in this weather then that almost guarantees you a spot." We all nodded, desperately wishing to be moving to keep warm. In seconds we had mounted our brooms and were in the air, scarlet robes swishing around us.

"Hi." A set of chattering teeth flew up next to me. As he came closer I saw freckles spaced across his cheeks and dripping wet ginger hair stroked his across his forehead. "My name's Fred. Your Ellie right?"

"Y/n" I called back over a clatter of thunder, and he smiled. For some unknown reason my heart tightened and my stomach flipped for some unknown reason.

"Bloody awful weather," Fred shouted and I nodded, my lips trembling from the cold. "What position are you trying for?"

"Chaser, you?"

"Beater." He called and I nodded when Oliver's voice rang through the pitch.

"Alright, five laps around the filed but make that ten if you talk." Fred rolled his eyes as Oliver's instructions reached us.

"Race you?" Fred shouted, a grin creeping onto his face.

"You're on."

Panting and cold to the core, our feet finally touched the ground after two hours of drills and matches in the air. Oliver smiled at each of us, nodding his head in approval.

"You have all flown adequately, some better than others." His eyes rested on individuals before they rested on mine. "And for some it was a really hard choice, but I have come to a decision." Fred nudged his shoulder against mine as someone identical to him patted him on the other shoulder from the other side.

"This is it Freddie." The boy whispered and Fred nodded excitedly.   

"Sure is Georgie." Together they bounced up and down together.

"If I call your name then please come to practise on Monday for further information." Oliver pulled out a list as he started to rattle of names.  "Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Fred and George Weasly and we will keep our previous seeker Charlie Weasly." The twins waved at what I assumed to their older brother who rolled his eyes. "Thank you all for trying out."

Disappointment shook through my body as I froze open mouthed. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Fred high five his brothers before turning to me.

"I don't know why you didn't get in," He started. "You flew brilliantly, I thought at the very least you would be given a place as a reserve." His feeble attempt at sympathy made me smile softly as I looked up to see his eyes on me.

"Thanks,"I went to walk away, the rain still pouring from the skies when I turned around and called, "But congratulations Fred!" I carried on walking back to the changing room when his voice called out and stopped me.

"Hey y/n wait!" I turned around to see Fred running through the muddy grass, his broomstick bashing bashing his ankles as he ran. "Come sit with me and my brother at dinner."

"You really want a loser like me sitting with you?" I pouted kicking the grass.

"Course I do." Fred grinned and I laughed shaking my head.

"Fine, see you." As I walked away, the wind carried Fred's soft reply.

"Yeah, see you."

"No way!" I laughed as I climbed inside the portrait hole with George. "A hole right through your brothers tongue!"

"Could poke things through it and all." George chuckled. I turned back slightly to say something to Fred not to find he wasn't behind us like I thought he was.

"Where do Fred go?" I asked causing George to stop walking into the common room and turn around.

"I don't know," he shrugged it off gesturing to a space on the sofa by the fire. "Care for a game of exploding snap?"

Five rounds of exploding snap later Fred came bursting through the portrait hole with Oliver Wood on his heels.

"You won't believe this y/n!" Fred happily bounded in front of us shoving a piece of paper into my hands. "They miscalculated, you are on the team as a reserve chaser!" I gasped looking up and Fred and Oliver who nodded excitedly.

"No way!" I cried standing up showing the paper to George who knowingly grinned.

"All because of Fred here." Oliver clapped Fred on the shoulder who turned a bright shade of red. "If he hadn't come and demanded I put you on the team I wouldn't have seen that someone tampered with my score card."

"Thank you Oliver." I grinned leaning forward to give him a hug. He walked away smiling, when I turned to Fred, happiness beaming from me like a beacon.

"Where is my hug? After all I did all the heavy lifting in this operation," I laughed whilst wrapping my arms around his waist pulling him in close. Immediately my heart pounded and my cheeks reddened even more so when his arms wrapped around me. He gave me a gentle squeeze as I took in every second of this moment. The way his arms felt, the smell of his robes and the happy feeling produced all by a simple hug.

I regrettably pulled away, my smile even bigger than it was before. When George spoke up from beside me.

"How about a celebratory round of exploding snap?"

"You are on."

I woke several years later sobbing. I clutched at where Fred used to lie but instead I found nothing to grip onto other than pillows. His death had hid me hard and even now I still hasn't used to the fact that he is no longer beside me. A knock on the door sounded and in came Mrs Weasly. I sniffed, hiding my blotchy tear stained face, but she sat on his bed next to me. 

"I know that it is hard." Her voice was croaky, like she too had been crying and so I slowly turned my head to look at her. Her face resembled my own, covered in tears and etched with pain, and that made my heart feel even heavier in my chest than it already did. "But please don't feel like your alone." She whispered her hand reaching out and brushing back my hair. "You are never alone." 

"He is gone," I whispered, my heart breaking and my tears falling. "And I can't do anything about it." 

"You can remember him." She whispered, her voice cracking. A sob broke out from my body and so Mrs Weasly pulled me tightly into her chest, rocking me back and forth slightly. I sobbed onto the mother of my  passed love as we sat on the very place where he used to sleep, the pair of us in an unbearable amount of pain. 

"Remember him and what he lived for?"

"What did he live for?" I questioned pulling away. Mrs Weasly smiled sadly at me, her hand gently stroking across my head. 

"Oh my dear, He lived for you."

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